Christmas Eve Party

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People hated Mitch, like reeeaaalllyyy hated him. He tried to make people like him or whatever but they didn't even give him the time of day.

It was basically like highschool all over again.

The only thing they knew was that Mitch was gay, and they also knew that he was married by the silver wedding band he wore on his right finger.

They also thought Mitch was sleeping with the boss. One day Mr. Scott Hoying brought in this new guy to work in the tech field and whenever someone walked by Scott's office they always heard giggling or buying Starbucks for each other.

Everyone hated Mitch for sleeping with the boss to get ahead and so they made sure to make Mitch's life a living hell. Of course Mitch would never tell Scott, mostly because even though he was getting picked on, he didn't want Scott to fire them.

Tonight was now the Christmas Eve party and Mitch was rushing to get all his work done before he went home to change.


Mitch looked up into those beautiful blue eyes and then blushed as he looked down to see everybody giving him dirty looks and whispering to their friends.

Mitch looked back up at Scott and gave a shy smile "hey." Scott smiled back "can I see you in my office?" Mitch nodded and got up to follow Scott to his office.

"What can I do for you Mr. Hoying?"

"Mitch, it's just the two of us, you can call me Scott now."

Scott went to Mitch and started kissing down his neck as Mitch tried his best to suppress a moan "S-Scott, we can't?" He pushed Scott away slightly "they're already suspicious enough as it is."

Scott smirked "then let them think what they want." Mitch laughed, Scott was always reckless.

"You know they're just going to ask about my husband."

Scott bit his lip "and what would you say?" Mitch shrugged "I don't know, maybe that he's an asshole." Scott laughed as he brought Mitch in for a kiss.

When they pulled away before things got heated Scott said "oh, my computer's acting up again. Can you fix it?" Mitch rolled his eyes "did your porn crash again?"

Scott gasped "I never watch porn and you know it....well... that's not completely true." Mitch laughed and went over to the computer, he clicked a few buttons and clicked the mouse a few times before Scott's computer was working again.

"There, good as new." Scott clapped "thank you." Mitch nodded and checked his watch "I have to go get changed for the Christmas Eve party tonight." Scott nodded "I'll see you here."

Mitch pecked his lips again and walked out of the office.

Later that night Mitch was holding his five year old sons hand and Connor was standing on the other side.

Mitch bit his lip in anticipation and Connor sighed "you're going to be fine, don't stress it." Mitch nodded and when they walked into the annual Christmas Eve office party the whole room got quiet and all eyes went to the 5yr old kid.

They all started whispering and Mitch could make out a few things like someone said "how's he cheating and has a son. Such bad parenting."

Another person said "I feel bad for that kid, he has an Adulterer as a father."

Charlotte, one of his co-workers, who's the biggest slut in the job comes up to them "You must be Mitch's boo. I'm Charlotte, but everyone calls me Charlie."

She pushes out her chest a little and bites her lip. Connor looks weary "I'm Connor." Mitch giggled and another co-worker, Alyssa, said "Oh, Mitch, you didn't tell us this hottie was your husband." She gasped and looked at the little boy who was trying to hide behind Mitch.

"And what's your name?"

The son looked scared but answered anyway "Luke." Alyssa gasped in fake shock "that's such a pretty name."

Everyone crowded around, either trying to flirt or just talk to the son, Mitch couldn't take the pressure and started drinking wine.

Another guy, Jerry, spoke up "so Mitch, does Connor know about Mr. Hoying?" Connor nods "oh, yeah, he's my brother." They all looked shocked, then Alyssa spoke up "huh, you sure keep it in the family."

Connor furrowed his eyebrows "what?" All of a sudden, Scott's office door opened and Luke's eyes lit up "Daddy!!" He ran to Scott and Scott picked up the little boy "hey kiddo!"

Scott walked over to Mitch and the whole group, except Mitch and Connor, said "Daddy?!"

Scott looked confused "what's going on?" Mitch couldn't take it anymore so he lashed out "they were just telling me how I'm an Adulterer."

Scott looked at the group with wide eyes and Charlotte spoke "to be fair, we thought Connor was his husband."

Scott shook his head "that doesn't matter, you treat him with as much respect if it was me."

Mitch looked down as Connor said "I'm gonna go, nice seeing you Scott, see you tomorrow for Christmas."

"Bye Uncle C." Luke called as Connor waved and walked out. Jerry got confused "wait...I'm sorry, y'all are actually married?" Scott nods "have been for 13 years."

Mitch nodded "Don't bother sucking up now though because I already hate you...and that's not gonna change." Scott looked back at Luke who was playing with his tie "wanna make ginger bread?"

Luke nodded excitedly "YEA!" Mitch laughed "alright, come on bud."

After that Christmas Eve, there was no more talk of Mitch in the office...

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