Santa's little helper

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(Scott's POV)

"No, I'm not going!" I exclaimed to my mother who was trying to convince me to take my little sister Lauren to go see Santa on Christmas tree lane.

"Scott Richard Hoying! You are taking her and that is final!" My mom said as she finished putting on her coat. I scoffed and grabbed my jacket to put it on.

I grabbed Lauren's hand and pulled her outside into the freezing weather "you are telling santa what you want and then we are leaving." Lauren smiled "mommy says that she wants a picture of me on Santa's lap."

I groaned as we started driving to Christmas tree lane "fine, picture, you ask what you want and then we leave." She giggled "don't forget about the Holiday Bash every year."

I roll my eyes "what are you talking about?" Lauren perks her nose up in a snobby kind of manner "every year on Christmas tree Lane they serve hot coco and have pictures with Santa and ginger bread cookies and kareoke and dancers and-" I cut her off "so why couldn't we just go later tonight for your picture with Jolly Holly?"

She laughs at the nickname I used for Santa clause "because silly, it gets crowded and mommy doesn't like standing on that long line."

I rolled my eyes again and when we got to Christmas tree lane I gasped at the pretty lights and the huge Christmas tree and all the shops lined up and getting ready for the Holiday bash that I found out was happening later that night.

We got out the car and Lauren gasped "It's Santa!" I sigh and grab her hand "stay close." She nodded and we stood in line.

When it was our turn, we had to stand behind this Candy Cane rope in order for the elf that was there could take the picture.

I couldn't help but check out the little elf. He was kinda cute, you can tell he was wearing some make up, his green and red pointy hat stood on top of his head. He was wearing the cutest elf costume ever. It was green and red with jingle bells and his black pointy elf shoes were adorable none-the-less.

He was holding a camera around his neck and would take a picture everytime a new kid sat on Santa's lap.

He genuinely looked cheerful, some people fake the joy, but you could tell he loved working as an elf.

When it was finally Lauren's turn, the elf turned towards us and took the candy cane rope down "you're next sweetie, watch your step."

Lauren nodded and basically ran to Santa the elf laughed and turned towards me "she's adorable. Is she your daughter?" He looked at the camera around his neck and snapped a picture.

My eyes widened "daughter? No, she's my sister. I'm home for the holidays and thought, why not take her out to see the one and only Santa." He laughed and nodded.

I looked at Lauren telling Santa what she wanted and suddenly said "I'm Scott, by the way." The elf bit his lip and looked me up and down "Mitch, nice to meet you, Scott."

I smiled at his dimples that showed, he then said "so, you coming to the Christmas bash later tonight?" I nodded "yeah, I kinda have to, my mom and sister won't stop reminding me."

He giggles "well, I'll be there, so if it does turn out that you'd much rather be home than here, you know where to find me."

Lauren reappeared at my side and Mitch looked at the kid behind us "you're next hun, watch your step."

I decided to leave him to work and left to go  home, I'm suddenly excited for tonight.
That night my mom looked at the huge line that's now piled up at the Santa line "ugh, we're smart, we went early." I nodded and Lauren gasped as she pointed to a Cafe "can we please get Hot coco!?"

Mom laughed and we started going towards the cafe. We soon hot our hot coco and were just walking around, looking at all the bakery's and beautiful lights and hearing the singing.

I suddenly spotted Mitch who was now talking to a female elf and they were giggling and what not.

I looked towards my mom "hey, um, I'm gonna go day hi to a friend." My mom nodded and went into a bakery with Lauren because she wanted some ginger bread.

I walk over to the Santa barricade and leaned over so I could call him "hey!" I said over the loud noise. He jumped and looked "hey. Did family time get boring already?"

I shrug and he looks at the female elf "hey, Kirst, can I take a break now." She looked confused and then saw me "whatever floats your boat, doll, I got this." Mitch smiled "thanks." He hopped over the barricade and dragged me away.
He was now sitting on a table in an abandoned room while I was between his legs, we were in a heated make out session and let me tell you. I was in heaven. He's such a good kisser.

I pulled away with a smirk on my face "I've never made out with an elf before." He rolled his eyes "shut up." He pulled me back in for a kiss and we stayed like that for a solid five minutes.

I pulled back again to catch a breather "don't you need to go back to work?" He shook his head "Kirstie's got that covered.." he ran his hands down my shirt "and besides...this is way more fun."

We put our lips back together and I couldn't stop the smile that over came my face, he pulled back this time "what?" I shrugged "nothing, I just....I can't believe I'm making out with Santa's little helper."

He blushes and covers his face with her hands "ugh, stooooppp" I laugh "awe, is Mitchie embarrassed?"

He raises an eyebrow "Mitchie?" I nod "yup, if you don't like it I-" he stops me "I love it." He says before pulling me back into a kiss.

That is the how I fell in love with Santa's little helper...

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