The last sister

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A/N: Feel free to play the iconic track I had pinned above while reading for added effects/ feels. 😗💜


Knowing what Cordelia was about to do, both of us looked away from the door where Cordelia was going to jump off, into the hollow center of the spiral stairs. I reached my hand to grab Myrtle's and gave it a light squeeze. Myrtle smiled bitterly as tears began to well up in her eyes.

Just when Cordelia was about to jump, Langdon's voice echoed across the hallway behind her.

"The prophecy is inevitable. I was always going to win. Miss Supreme"

"Not on your own. You've been led by the hand, coddled, the entire way, by your father, the warlocks. I look at you and I don't see a man. I see a sad, scared little boy who's so pathetic he couldn't even kill me with a thousand nuclear bombs" Cordelia turned around and responded sarcastically.

"I knew you would survive the fallout, I wanted you to. So now I could have the satisfaction of watching you die, knowing you failed" He replied with a sense of pleasure in his voice.

"You still don't get it, do you? Today, you will get to watch me die, but you won't find it satisfying" She raised her hand and the knife in Langdon's hand flew into hers in a blink of an eye.

"Satan has one son, but my sisters are legion, motherfucker" she continued, before jabbing the knife right into her chest and gave Langdon a mocking smile before free falling straight to the first floor, crashing her back into the ground with a loud thud.


Myrtle let out a heartbroken cry and collapsed to the ground, burying her face in her hands.

With Cordelia's death, Mallory started to regain consciousness as all of formal supreme's life force and powers were now pouring into Mallory.

"TEMPUS INFINITUUM" She screamed and took in a sharp breath before disappearing into the dark waters.

Now that Mallory was gone, I turned to Myrtle and saw her sitting on the floor, crying uncontrollably. She was a crying mess.

Without saying a word, I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. We were the only remaining witches from our coven that are still alive and there was simply nothing left for us to do but to pray that Mallory would succeed in killing the young Michael Langdon so that there won't be an apocalypse.

As the pain and sorrow from all the people I had lost today slowly consumes me, I took a deep breath and told myself that I cannot afford to lose another sister.

Gathering the remaining energy I had in me, I stood up and gave Myrtle a reassuring smile before walking outside the door.

"Guess I'll just have to kill you over and over again huh? Well here's for my fallen sisters you son of a bitch !!!" I let out a final war cry before charging at him with full force.

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