The betrayal of the sand?!

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"Hold it you two!" Y/n shouted angrily. Kankuro and Temari stop and turn around with Gaara's limp body in their arms.

"What the hell happened to Gaara?!" Y/n shouted in worry.

"We can't stop and talk that Uchiha is after us! If you want answers you have to follow us." Temari said then dashes off again along with Kankuro.

"Tch." Y/n follows after.

"What happened? Why are you guys running away?! I thought the sand was loyal to the leaf or was this all a lie!?"

Kankuro and Temari stay silent.


"We... planned this attack." Temari stated.

"What.. do you have any idea what you guys have done?! This could start a war! Are you working with anyone?!" Temari and Kankuro look at the ground ashamed.

"The sound." They answered.

"Who ordered you to do this?"

"The Kazekage ...our father."

'The kazekage.... I only met their father once and he was a jerk ,but I never expected him to attack the leaf. Something doesn't feel right I think I made a horrible decision leaving the arena. Wait the old man was right next to the kazekage! Old man please be alright!'

"I've finally caught up to you."
Y/n turns around and faces sasuke.

"It's that Uchiha brat. Come here to get your butt whooped by me!" Kankuro shouts.

"I have no business with you. My business is with Gaara we need to continue our fight."

'At a time like this?! Can't you see Gaara is down for the count?!'

"Sorry to break it to you but you won't be fighting anyone but me!" Kankuro said. Temari jumps forward in front of him.

"Temari!" Kankuro shouts.

"Give Gaara to Y/n and go! If that monster gets out of control it could be the end of us all! Y/n take care of my little brother! I know how he feels about you so out of all of us you have the highest chances of surviving!" Temari orders. Y/n nods and holds Gaara close to her.

However, before she could leave she dodged the incoming kunais headed toward her.
"Y/n who's side are you on!?" Sasuke shouts as his voice gets farther away.

"I'm sorry sasuke but I can't let you hurt Gaara!"

She dashes deeper into the forest with Kankuro close behind.

"Kankuro what triggered Gaara to react like this?"

"His fight with the uchiha... something happened and he partially transformed into the tailed beast Shukaku."

Y/n flashbacks to her training with Kakashi.

"There's no use of hiding if you can't control that aura of bloodlust." Kakashi said.
Y/n stops her chidori midway and turns to kakashi's direction.
Behind a boulder Gaara steps out.


"So your Gaara I've heard a lot about you." Kakashi spoke.
Gaara stayed silent as he stared at Sasuke. Kakashi takes notice of this.
"Do you have anything to say to sasuke?"
He didn't reply to him.

"You." He speaks up. Sasuke stares at him silently.
"You have the same eyes as me and y/n filled with the same hatred and death, that long for strength... Just like mine. Your eyes tell me how badly you want to kill the person that caused you to suffer."

'I'm sorry you suffered so much.'

"Dont be fooled by Sasuke's eyes if that's what you think of him. Was that all you came here for to watch us train if it is I suggest you wait until the final rounds until Sasuke is fully prepared." Kakashi said.

Gaara clutches his head in pain suddenly.
"Are you alright?" Y/n makes a few steps forward but stops.

"I have to go." He then disappears.


Flashback end

'Was that a sign of Shukaku hurting him?' Y/n thought as she held Gaara closer to her chest.
'I don't know all I know is that I have to protect you.'

Temari and Sasuke's chakra grew closer to their tails.
Not long after Temari lands on a branch not too far away from her previous opponent.
"I'm sorry guys I tried." She pants.

"You go on with y/n I'll handle the Uchiha for now." Kankuro said.

"But Kankuro-"

"Don't argue just go!" Temari was hesitant but agreed and takes off once again with y/n.
"It looks like I'm your opponent now Sasuke."

With y/n and Temari
Y/n took notice of Temari who seemed to be slowing down.
"Are you okay Temari?" She asks.

Temari nods.
"Y-yeah let's go."

Y/n could feel Gaara shift in her arms.
"Put me down y/n please." She stopped on a branch.

"Your awake." Gaara suddenly groaned in pain holding his shoulder.

"What's wrong?!"
'At times like these I wish I was a healer.'

"Gaara here take this!" Temari pulls out a box from her shirt.

"Temari get away from me your in the way!" He swings his arm slamming her into a tree.

"Gaara she was only trying to help! What's wrong with you!" Y/n shouts.

"Shut up... shut up!" He shouts as he breathes heavily.
He looks up past y/n.

Y/n turns around to where he was looking.
It was Sasuke.

Gaara's face starts cracking.
"I don't know what the sand is planning but I'm going to stop you."
Gaara hunches over in pain as he holds his head in pain.

"Gaara stop it have you forgotten the operation!" Temari shouts.

"Sasuke Uchiha... you who have friends. You who has a purpose... you who are like me. By killing you I will exist in this world as the person who took all that away! I can truly experience life! You Sasuke Uchiha are my- gah!" Gaara falls to his knees as his face cracks even more. Y/n stares in horror.

'Akuma please tell me you don't do the same?!'

"Would It make you feel better if I said no?"

"You are my prey!"Half of Gaara's body transformed into Shukaku his mouth leaking drool. He almost looked like a wild animal.

Y/n took notice of Temari cowering in a nearby tree.
"Oh no it's begun!"

"Are you scared of me now Sasuke Uchiha!? Of my existence!? Come out and fight me! You are my prey!"

And with that their fight had begun.

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