The battle begins

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Sasuke starts attacking Gaara first throwing Kunais but they did no damage to him. Gaara's transformed hand swipes at Sasuke hitting him only for him to poof into a log.

"Sasuke Uchiha why won't you come at me!?"

Y/n watches the fight as she tries her best to tend to Temari's wounds.
"I have no skills in medical ninjutsu ,but I do have a first aid kit so I'll try my best to patch you up." Temari nods but hisses in pain as the disinfectant comes in contact with her wounds.

"W-why are you not helping your teammate?" Temari pants out.

"This is his fight if I got involved he would get angry with me. Only if things go for the worst I'll tag in and help."
The two watch as the battle goes on.

Meanwhile here's a little flashback
It was a windy desert evening a young red head child sat alone on the swings as usual. His teddy bear was the only source of comfort. He had no friends, his siblings were afraid of him, and his father tried to kill him on several occasions. It left a bitter pain in his heart.

"Excuse me may I join you?" The little boy looked up and saw a radiating beauty before him. At first he thought he was hallucinating.
Upon realizing he was not he nodded and turned away as pink dusted his cheeks.

"My names y/n! What's your name!?" He observed the girl she was a short h/c hair girl with sparkling bright e/c eyes filled with pain and innocence. It actually reminded him of himself.

"Why would you want to know that? Did my father send you here to kill me?!" He snaps.

"What no!? I was just hoping to find a friend! You see I travel a lot and don't get to meet a lot people my own age so I decided to take this time to try to look for one. Then I saw you here alone on the swings and decided it should be you." Y/n said.

"Even if you were looking for a friend why would you choose me? I'm a monster and in case you haven't noticed I have no friends. Why would you want me as a friend?" He asked. Y/n smiles.

"You are not a monster I've seen many monsters during my travels and you don't look like one of them." The boy felt comfort from her words.

"I don't have many friends either I tend to travel village to village and not stay long for reasons. Plus people are usually too scared to even talk to me ,but I can understand why." Y/n said as she swings a little.

"And why is that?" He asks.

"Because I'm a monster too." She whispers as her head hangs low.

The little boy looked at her in daze.
'She's like me... maybe I should let her be my friend.'

"My name is Gaara." Y/n turns to Gaara.

"And i would like to be your friend if you promise to be mine."

Y/n smiles brightly.
"Of course... so um you want to play?" Y/n asked sheepishly.

Gaara smiled.
"Sure!" The two spended the rest of the day swinging and building sand castles.
Flashback end

A tear slips down y/n's expressionless face and falls onto Temari's hand.

A tear slips down y/n's expressionless face and falls onto Temari's hand

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