The Pavilion

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The support that Ethan had given the previous day, reinvigorated Evelline's strength and will, she woke up the next day completely determined, her voice sounds like singing.

She did the usual, took a shower, had coffee, got dressed and was ready to start all over again, the young woman left for school, being totally determined to do something very brave.

It didn't take long, and Sarah had arrived in the room, her face looked swollen from crying, she looks at Evelline, who greets her with a nod that she would sit next to her, and Sarah does that, when she sat, before Evelline could say anything, Sarah asked a question:

- How long have you and Ryan been ... you know.

- We never had anything, Sarah, you need to believe me. - replied Evelline.

- I always suspected that, it was not possible that he would continue to run after you so much, if you did not give the slightest confidence. - Sarah replied while breaking her pencil, after squeezing so hard.

- Unfortunately, it is possible. Sarah, I would never betray you, you need to believe, we've been friends for a long time, I share everything with you, I've always told you everything.

- Ryan told me everything, that you hid my medicine, so I could go back to the locker room to look while you were there with him.

Evelline pulls the sleeve of the jacket she was wearing and shows the marks that were left on her wrist.

- On here! Look! Do you think I would do this of my own free will? We are two victims here Sarah! Your boyfriend is a bad character after all.

Sarah was uncomfortable and moved to two rows next door, trying to stay as far away from Evelline as possible, and started to write something in her notebook.

Evelline just took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, she tried another approach with Sarah:

- Remember when we went skiing in Alaska once?

And Sarah stopped writing for a moment.

- We made vows of friendship there, we wrote our initials on that mural at the entrance to the park.

Sarah looked at her from the corner of her eye.

- And I never broke that vow I made with you Sarah, never. I always...

And Sarah got up angrily, and tried to throw her broken pencil at Evelline, but she missed.


Evelline sank into the chair, looking dismayed and thinking:

"- Ah if it were that easy ..."

A few hours later, that morning shift had passed, it was time for lunch, Evelline had lunch alone that day, not that it bothered her, but the lack of her friend affected her routine a little. Sarah was sitting at the table of the most important girls in the college trying to get along with them, although Evelline knew that would be impossible, those girls only accepted people from the middle class or above, which was definitely not the case of her ex-friend.

When the lunch hour ended, Evelline went directly to the military training club, arriving there, he saw the Lieutenant, who was just waiting for her:

- I'm glad you came, Evelline.

- Thank you very much Lieutenant.

- The pavilion is still waiting for you, yesterday's work has not yet been completed. Don't worry, I made sure you were calm and at peace there, no one will bother you.

- Thank you! - the young woman replied cheerfully and has already left for the dressing room to change clothes.

After getting ready, Evelline left towards the pavilion, apparently, everything was right, everyone was training quietly in the sports fields next door, and finally, there it was, the pavilion, untouched, as it was yesterday, except for one detail. The pavilion door was closed, she approached, and with a little force, the door gave way, when she finally entered, she leaned the door back, the place looked dark, there were only a few lamps lit in the corridors, the place was like a huge hall, with the room divided by shelves, making them look like hallways.

A mouse passed by her, bumping into one of the shelves, which made her startle, when suddenly a mirror falls, Evelline bends down to pick it up and put it in place, but she looks at him for a moment and notices something different...

Her eyes shone blue.

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