The Small Details

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Savon stood looking at the group as they spoke. He normally stood aside because they always got nervous when he was to close to them. He didn't need that scent putting him on edge. Plus his acolyte was starving and this large group of humans wasn't helping.

Just pick one and use them. It growled.


We don't have to kill them.


I'm starving. They won't know what happened.

No. He just kept chanting to himself until he was able to leave and find someone to use. His other half was worked up and it was effecting him. It had been nearly a week since he'd fed that part of himself. Human food just wasn't going to do. He felt the marking on his body move slightly. Good thing he hid it with a shirt most of the time.

"This place is going to be overly difficult to get into." Neil said looking at the plans that they had acquired of the building they needed to attack. They were going for Remis, and they were going straight to his home.

It was more like a mansion than anything else. They knew that the demon would expect them to try for him some place less suicidal. Going to his home was suicidal and that was exactly why it was going to work because they wouldn't expect it.

"We should use the maintenance entrance here." Kayla said, she was going with. Their group had been quick to accept the five that had come back with them. It wasn't like they had anywhere else to go and they pulled their weight.

The one man, his name was Henry, he was one of those rare talented humans. He could move objects with his mind. Not a lot just a few things, and the woman Kayla, she could sense things about her environment. Like a warning system, and she could know what had gone on in a place after walking into the room. A handy trait and Savon had to say that they were good additions to their team.

Savon just watched them from where he leaned. The group gathered around the table listening to the things that they said. He dismissed most of it and put together other tactics, he put his own plan together while they spoke and waited.

Finally he had enough listening and moved forward. He stepped between Drake and Henry and Henry stepped to the side for him. Watching him like all the others, he pointed to the schematic that was laying there.

"This will all be watched." He said pointing around the house. He flipped over to a different schematic. "The sewers under the house won't be. There is an access panel here." He said pointing to it.

"How do you know that?" Neil asked.

"I know how to read a schematic. The previous owner to the house had it here on the plans." He said pointing to a part that looked redone and nothing was there. "Clearly it was taken out of the house plans but the connection to the sewer line still had it marked." They looked at it.

"We can't all go in that way." Todd said.

"No, we could use his schedule." Kayla said pulling a different piece of paper to her. She spoke rapidly. "He has at least three humans delivered every forth day. We'll have to insert ourselves into it." She said.

"That's risky." Drake said.

"But it'll work." She spoke strongly. It was quick and easy to make a plan after that, and seeing as tomorrow was the day that he had humans delivered they would have to go out then. Savon was just glad to be able to leave.

"Where are you going?" Drake asked him coming up to Savon before he could escape out the door.

"Out." Drake understood by his tone. It wasn't something that they shared with anyone else. This part was something only the two of them knew about.

"Just be back before dawn." Savon gave a nod and moved out the door as Drake moved away from him. Savon stepped into the cool night air and took a deep breath moving forward. Someone called out his name. He stopped closing his eyes for a second asking for patience to not attack the person.

"Hey, I had a question for you." He turned and found Kayla there moving toward him.

Yes use her, her scent is agreeable.


You want to, I'm starving.

No. However his last no was a bit weaker, and both sides new it. If she took longer than a few minutes he'd just use her to feed because he was starving. It wasn't smart to go so long like this.

"What?" He asked.

"Well it's not really a question, more of what should be done tomorrow." He looked at her, clearly wanting her to get one with it. "I was thinking and we will have a problem switching ourselves out into the humans that are delivered if they are delivered by a demon."

"It would be a problem."

"Could you pass for one? Fool them somehow? We need someone to make the switch to be believable. I know you're not a demon but we need something, can't just walk up to the house without an escort it would look odd." He had to agree with her and admired the fact that she thought of the small details.

"Yes, I'll be able to do that." He said thinking about it and she was right. They would have a problem there. She looked relieved rather than appalled that he could pass for a demon if the need arose. Then again she was in the group being switched out. You felt different when your life was on the line.

"Excellent, I'll let them know the change." She said turning and moving back to go inside. He watched her walk away and go inside. It was a good thing that she thought of that or they might have been screwed if it was a demon that brought the group that Remis played with and not another human.

Her I would like to play with. His dark half wanted to toy with everything apparently 

Not so smart. He said to himself turning and jogging away. It was a good distance to a populated center.

Could always dispose of her when we were done.

You haven't gotten rid of the last problem you talked me into. He said annoyed and a dark sound coming from him. His eyes were brighter now as he ran.

"Not for lack of trying." He said out loud in a deeper tone.

"Can't go around killing the ones you side with." His voice changing. He only ever spoke out loud to himself when he was alone. Didn't need to look completely insane around the others. Especially since his voice changed pitch when he spoke to himself. Like there really were two people living in him. Well there kind of was, but how did you describe that you were really talking to yourself? Your conscious that spoke up and said what it wanted? Most people did that in their head and the voice wasn't always there talking to you.

Perhaps she will prove more fun, less attachable.

Later. He wasn't in the mood to listen to his alter ego talking him into things at the moment when his darker urges were at the front. He needed to feed, and the only thing that was going to sate that was living blood. Or possibly killing something. He couldn't help it if he fell far enough. That's why he went to places that didn't matter. Those that wouldn't be missed, less likely to be tracked or caught. 

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