Trust In Secrets

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Kayla moved to the right down a long hall after leaving Savon. She skipped going to the common hall at the moment. She wasn't in the mood for company yet. There were numerous doors down here and she went into one half way down with a number six on it.

She pulled the string above her head and the light came on. The room was small, it had a concrete floor with two cot like beds. There was a part in the wall between both beds that had a dresser like stand with four drawers and an area above it that you could hang things from.

She moved to the mirror in the room looking at her neck. There was a red mark there but it was fading as she watched. So she'd give it a few minutes, didn't feel like explaining that to others. She pulled open the low laying drawers and pulled out pants and a new shirt. The pants were her size and the shirt was just a bit bigger than she normally wore. Tighter fitting clothes were best, less of something that others could grab onto.

She sat on the edge of the bed and reached over to the small stand at the end of the bed before sitting back up straight. She was off in space at the moment as she started to brush her hair. She thought about Remis. The image of his teeth and the look of him would be burned into her memory until the day that she died.

She wondered if being drained would feel like what Savon had done. Some how she doubted it very much. She wouldn't mind it if it was like that. Wouldn't be such a bad way to go. Actually it would be rather stimulating given the right circumstances.

Kayla let out a bit of a laugh at herself, she couldn't believe that she thought that. Though now that she did, she had to say that it was true. Her willingness to try it was different however. He was good looking, had a nice body, but she didn't think that doing such things just for the pleasure of it ended well for anyone.

Getting up from the bed she checked her neck and gave a sigh, no mark. She did feel tired, but wasn't sure that she wanted to sleep just yet. Kayla opened the door and moved out into the hall and back the way that she'd come. As she went to turn to the right she met Anna moving toward the common room as well. She looked rather put out.

"Something wrong? Need some help with something?" She asked her. Figuring being friendly was best.

"Not unless you can control another's mind." She said in a dark tone.

"Sorry." She responded. Though Kayla could go into a room and see what happened before. See the conversations that last took place. Problem was the only rooms that she would find helpful were rooms that would be costly to get into. She didn't want anything to do with hearing the things that demons did in their off time. Nor was she going to share with this woman.

"Yes well, I guess we can't always get what we want now can we?" She said looking at her. Anna was a beautiful woman, shorter than Kayla was. Skinner too, Kayla had muscle to her, toned muscle. Anna didn't but she could move fast.

She had dark hair that fell to her shoulders but was up in a pony at the moment, her eyes were a lighter brown. Kayla had seen the way that the men looked at her, heard the way that the others talked about her. Apparently she wasn't exactly celibate, and it was something that Kayla had seen plenty of times.

Don't get her wrong, she didn't think that it was trashy to sleep with another person with out a serious commitment being had. At least not all the time. Though she preferred more meaning with another and didn't do that herself. However it was a hard thing during this time. How'd you expect to be with one person wholly when the chance of dying was so great?

Anna wasn't the only woman that seemed to sleep with others to look for the love they wanted but not get hurt by it. At least that was what Kayla thought, and it was kinder than just thinking the woman a whore.

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