Dangerous Plans

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Savon was sitting in a chair looking around the large room. He had his elbows on his knees and his thumbs braced against his chin. Next to him sat Drake, they had a conversation for a little while about him going and who'd he'd prefer to take with him. It would be him and one other. Preferably a woman but if none of them wanted too then he'd have to go with someone else.

They would only go for a recon mission, just to see the lay out and where things were. Much easier if it was him and one other. He'd also told Drake about his hell-hound problem. Which he didn't find a problem anymore. Drake was surprisingly calm about it, he trusted that Savon would keep him under control. There wasn't much to be done with it attached to him. It was relieving to tell him. That told Savon that he did care what Drake thought, it just made him sigh inwardly. Obviously to him Drake was the father figure he never had. Which led to other thoughts of those here and what they all were to him.

His gaze moved across the room and came to rest on Kayla. He watched her move across the room to stop and talk with Todd and a woman named Lee. She had her hair back up in a lose bun, he liked her hair down he decided. Drake turned back to him as Neil left them and the conversation. Which just left the two of them standing there now, after all this was a lot of danger and responsibility being put on Savon to do this.

"Do you have a problem with Kayla?" Drake asked next to him. Savon turned and looked at him.


Yes, I can't seem to get her to myself. His inner self purred.

"Then why are you staring her down?" Savon looked at Drake for a moment and then gave a kind of laugh. Drake looked over at Kayla with a thoughtful expression.

"She's a good looking woman."

"More than." He said. And she tasted damn good too. Soft, sweet.

You're not helping.

I have a one track mind, primitive.  I see no reason to not indulge in the desire. it said with a rumble.

I didn't notice. If only he could shut that part of himself off sometimes. However it was just as alive as the rest of him.

"She's not exactly a love'em and leave'em type. Not my impression of her, level head on that one." Savon looked at him.

"Thanks." He said. Drake gave him a half smile and pointed over at Anna. "I was straight forward with her, didn't realize she was so obsessive till after."

"So you don't think like that with her?" Drake said indicating Kayla.

"What are you, my father?" He said.

"Kind of feel like it, but if I was him I don't think that I would even give advice or care who you were looking at." Drake said seeing that nearly everyone was in the room now, and they would have to talk about the new development with the group.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything that wasn't wanted."

"Good to know." Drake said moving forward. Drake cleared his throat and gave a loud whistle, everyone grew quiet. There were perhaps thirty people here, one of the largest groups of non owned humans.

Drake started talking, telling them about the group that had arrived and what the group was doing. He then told them what he thought that he would like to do, and the room was silent for a minute. Out of this group only about half really went out to fight. Though all of them were trained because they had to be. However this mission was more of an acting one, and required a good memory.

"So, it's just going to be a couple of us? How are we to go out and do this when the demons will scoop any human not with a master?" One man asked.

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