Nest Of Vipers

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Savon looked around them, as they walked the streets. He kept his gaze up and level but aware of Kayla just in case she did something she shouldn't. Like with the woman a little while ago, but she'd moved with him and let him pull her along. Which was good and the right thing to do. He noted that she drew the gaze of several demons as they walked.

However none of them approached or attempted to touch her. He was keeping his scent as that of a master demon. There were plenty of levels, but he figured that his best bet would be to act like the one of the strongest demons. Most wouldn't mess with him. Seeing as she clearly belonged to him they wouldn't try anything.

It was growing darker and he figured that they should head back. He moved her in the direction that he wanted to go. They turned around and there was a man walking toward them. He walked with the air of one that got what he wanted. Savon scented him instantly. This one was strong, but he didn't bother Savon. Though where Savon was keeping his scent this one would see him either as equal or lesser.

His gaze moved to Kayla looking at her, he slowed slightly and Savon met his gaze. Humans were a precious commodity even though they traded and killed them like they were nothing. In this world humans were judged by several things. Looks, spirit, and blood type. Certain demons preferred certain blood types.

"Where did you get this human?" The demon asked stopping them, Kayla kept her gaze down her posture mostly relaxed which was good. A bit of tenseness was nothing to make note of, it would make them think she was worried about being struck.

"Bought her in Helios." He said, which was an easy enough lie. The demon seemed very interested in Kayla and Savon found he didn't like it. Next to the demon was a different woman and he noted that she had similar looks to Kayla. However she looked warn and hollow. Kayla didn't look like that and it was why she drew the eye.

This other demon reached forward and grabbed Kayla by the hair. This was definitely a delicate moment and it was all on Kayla to not react to it. Tonight things like this would happen, and now they would know if she could do it. She had to handle things like this because worse would come tonight. She had the normal reaction to stiffen, but then averted her gaze from the demon and just stood there. Good.

"She is still lively. Helios always has good human stock." Helios was a huge city that had the main purpose to house humans. Pretty much to breed them for what demons wanted.

"It is why I paid a large price for her." Savon said, he had enough of the man holding on to her and reached over taking a hold of the back of her neck and pulling her back toward him. She moved as he demanded and the other let go of her.

"How much." Savon looked at him.

"More than you can afford. She is not for sale, I bought her because I wanted a human that still had life to it. Yours does not seem close to this ones value. Therefore we have nothing to talk about." The demons gaze shifted to solid black. He didn't think that he would let it go that easily.

"I could just take her." He said, meaning that he would kill to take her. Savon just watched him.

"Try it." he responded. Kayla was against his side and he could hear her heart beating faster than it should. He gave a "push" at the demons mind to leave it alone. He didn't need a confrontation with this one. Savon turned from him and moved down the walk way, the demon just watched him go. They got back to the car with no other confrontation, and Kayla looked at him. 

"I think that my nerves will be shot by the end of the night." She'd been worried when the one had threatened to just take her. It had been hard to just let him yank back on her hair to study her. However without a weapon and nowhere to go, she didn't have a choice.

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