Brother's In Arms

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"So tell us what brings you out this far? It's several hours from any populated area." Drake asked. He was sitting at an old picnic table. So was the older woman, whose name was Hannah. The man was named Louis. He was Hannah's son.

"We needed a place to regroup, we had four of ours killed and two others were injured." Louis said from where he stood. Hannah was sitting at the table with Drake, against the building were three others of their group.

Behind Drake's side of the table were Ian and Neil. Kayla and Todd where off to the right a bit, and Savon was to the left. He kept getting glances from the group, more so than the others, but that was normal. He always did, he gave off a weird vibe apparently.

"Why?" Drake asked.

"We were focusing on Fire City because of the demons there we wanted to get at. Like your group went after Remis and the others. You were lucky with Remis, from what we heard from our spies Astor was there." Hannah said.

"Yes we were lucky." Drake said, "But we still lost some of ours." Hannah gave a nod.

"Was he there?" Louis asked.

"Yes." Drake said.

"And he let your group go? Word has it that he hates your group most, why would he do that?" A man against the building asked. His tone was unbelieving.

"If you think we made a deal we didn't." Neil said angrily.

"He was there, but some of ours stayed behind and paid the price for it to save the rest of us." Drake said cutting them both off. This shut the man up by the building. Looked like he could relate to what was said.

"Continue please." Drake said to the woman. She nodded.

"We know that Fire City is where Lust and Vincent live. They find humans and use them to entertain the demon populace. They have a place that demons can bring their pet humans or ones that they own and sell them, trade them, do what they want to them in this place. Or even each other."

"Just how do you expect to get into a place like that? It would be swarming with demons, and all the humans would be accounted for. Wouldn't even stand a chance getting into a place like that." Savon said. That was pure suicide to go after Lust and Vincent in their home. Yes killing them would be a huge blow, the just didn't have the man power to do it.

"We know, we used our spies for it. They went in because they were pets of demons, they did it because they had too. It was how we lost four of ours and two are injured, the things that they use some of the humans for go past sex, or a simple feeding. Sadistic things." Hannah said looking angered and saddened at the same time.

"Yet you will go back?" Drake asked.

"Yes." Louis said. "We have to, they are important to Astor. They give him strong humans, even demons so he can bring others over. With them he controls a huge portion of the demon populace and we want to get to them." All of them knew they could kill all the solider demons they wanted, but if those like Lust and Vincent kept bringing them over then they were never going to win. They had to get the ones that had the power to keep demons coming for the other side

"Have you tried some place other than there?" Ian asked about killing the two. This group seemed to have bitten off more than they could chew.

"It's impossible, they live there, it's a high rise building and has many rooms. Like a hotel, they don't leave all that often. When they do no one ever sees them leave. We have to get to them there, and that's the problem. The humans that they choose don't ever come back, neither do the demons that they take to play with. These two are special cases." Hannah said.

"Because they are daemon." Savon said. The others looked at him. Savon remembered meeting those two before. They knew that he existed, but they had only seen him once. They were daemon and to some that would be a mythological half breed of a god and human. They were no god and defiantly not human but besides being acolyte you couldn't get much stronger in the demon world.

They feed on souls, first they drained the body then they took the soul. These were the beings that they wrote about stealing human souls. The only race that didn't need a gate to find their way up to earth, though they were a very few number. Most didn't leave hell because they had all the souls there that they could feed from. It was paradise for them, literally, they basked in the glory of what hell was.

To his knowledge Lust, Vincent, and Garien where the only daemons left here. Topaz had been one, but they'd killed him. To comfortable with his own skills and life to think that a group of humans and a half acolyte could kill him. Though he hadn't known what Savon was.

"They are what?" Louis asked looking at him. Savon gave a brief explanation of what they were but not how he knew and they just stared at him.

"Right. Well if you could just help us out medically it would be a great help. We still have a lot of work cut out for us. We have to figure out the lay out of the building. It's hard to do, but we are slowly managing it.

"Yes we can help you, the building across the way has an area set up for sleeping. You can use that for now. It's insulated and we will bring you what you need." Drake said, he didn't think the group a problem but he didn't want them to see the underground.

"Thank you." She said and moved with the others in the direction that he'd said. Todd led them over to the other building and they went in. Drake stood and Savon came up next to him, the others there as well.

"I think that we should help this group. It would be more than a huge blow to Astor to take these two." Drake said.

"I'm all for killing Astor and taking down other important demons, but this sounds like a suicide mission. How are we to do that? Some of us would have to become demon pets. Doing that restricts your movements and the danger of being caught is great." Neil said.

"But we have him." Drake said with a smile and gave Savon a solid pat on the arm.

"Look old man, I don't mind doing a little recon, but going into a city like that is beyond stupid." Savon grumbled.

"You have great acting skills." Drake said, "You can be our demon for us. That way we know our people will come back." Savon stared at him.

"Seriously." Savon growled looking at him Drake gave a sigh.

"I know that it is a dangerous thing, and anyone that would go and do it stands a chance of not coming back." He said and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I don't expect any of you to go and help, but I think that we should consider it. That doesn't mean that you have to Savon, don't think that I expect you to if you don't want to."

"I know." Savon said, but that was why he'd do it anyways. Drake was right, out of all of them he stood the best chance of coming back. That and he could pass as demon like he'd done before.

"Call everyone together, we have to have a discussion for this." He said and moved toward the gas station. "Make sure that we watch the group. I get an odd vibe from them. They most likely trustworthy, but it's something about the injured. Like they may cause something to happen that we don't want too." He said and moved into the building.

"This should be fun." Kayla commented moving past Savon and giving him a smile. He just looked at her as she went down the stairs before him.

Loads of it. He remarked mentally to himself.

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