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She lays on her back, cracking some bones. 3 stacks of papers and she needs to complete all of them that day. Who said that it is easier if a daughter works at her father's own company?

Half of herself regretted working with her own father. But another half of her would never stop thanking him because her dream job is to be an architect.

Since she was little, she loves drawing and is great at it. She wanted to work under a new manager but Mr.Kim refused to. He said that if Eunra works under him, he can see her progress better.

Being a good daughter she is, she followed what her father asked her to.

She is lost in her thoughts until she hears someone knock on them twice. A few seconds later, there stood a handsome man wearing a nice work attire.

"Baby?" Eunra looked up to see her 3 years boyfriend, twitching his mouth at her. 

"Hi, baby." He walked towards Eunra and peck her on her cheeks.

"How's work?" He asked as he sat on the desk, crossing his legs together.

"It is stressful. I'm not going to lie but what can I say? It's my dream job." Eunra forced a smile.

"I'm sure it will turn out fine, baby. You'll get used to it." 

"Thanks, baby."

"Can I take you out tonight?" She sighs.

"Yeah, and how about this?" She points at the stacks of papers in front of her.

Haechan smiles.

"You can do it later."

"Haechan." A guy in his 50's walked in Eunra's room.

"Yes, Mr.Kim." He bowed down.

"What time is it now?" Haechan glanced at his watch and looked back up.


"Exactly. Go back to your room and stay there for one more hour." 

"I'm sorry, Mr.Kim." Eunra smile at Haechan's nervousness.

He winked once at Eunra before he went out of the room. She chuckles. 

"Are you done with the work I gave you?" Mr.Kim took a glance on her laptop.

"Not yet, dad. Are you serious? Three stacks of papers and you're asking me to finish it today?" She looked at her father, raising an eyebrow.

He giggles.

"Of course. You're not the only one who needs to finish a lot of work in a day. All of my workers are trained to finish their work as soon as possible." the corner of her mouth quirked up.

"It's okay, dad. I understand." Mr.Kim smiles reassuringly.

"You don't mind staying here a little bit longer do you?" Eunra thinks for a moment. 

This paper will probably be done by 8. It is not that late.


"Good. See you at home, sweetie." Mr.Kim kisses her forehead and waves at Eunra.

"Bye, dad."

She watches Mr.Kim as he is out of her sight. She sighs. 

It's a long way to go, Eunra.


"Yes. But can you change my meeting with Mr.Kim to tomorrow? The earlier, the easier." he tells his personal assistant with a voice full of authority.

"Yes, sir."

He took his smartphone and dialled a phone number.


"Mr.Kim, hello. It's me, Jaemin. Remember? We will have an appointment together next week." there was a moment of silence until one of them started to speak up.

"Oh, Mr.Na. Of course, I remembered you. Yes, yes. About the appointment, is there any problem with the date?"

"Actually, yes. I think we can make that meeting happen a little bit earlier, which is tomorrow."

"Yea, sure, sure."

"Alright, thank you so much." he smiles.

"Wait, Mr.Kim. Can I look at the files that you are talking about? It's okay, if I can't. I'm just curious."

"Sure, just go to my office. You can ask my daughter, there."

"Thank you, Mr.Kim."


Her stomach started to growl.

"Oh, shit. I haven't eaten lunch, yet." She groans. Eunra glances at her watch and it is 7pm.

One more hour. One hour and you can go and buy food.

She took her water bottle and gagged it down. Her stomach growls again, yearning for food.

"Okay, let's go." Eunra took her purse and went downstairs really quick to buy some snacks for herself.

When she reaches downstairs, she bumped into a tall man, wearing a nice black suit.

Eunra groans.

"Excuse me? Do you have eyes or you're just too lazy to use it?" 

"I am very sorry, ma'am." What? 

Do I look old or something?

"Ma'am? You called me ma'am? Do I look like I'm married?"


"What's with all this fuss? John? What did you do?" A deep voice asks. Eunra turned to the guy and rolled her eyes.

Maybe this is this guy's boss.

"Your assistant or whatever this guy is to you, doesn't use his eyes properly. He knocked into me and called me ma'am." I crossed my arms, facing the other way to show protest.

"Okay, miss. I'm very sorry for my assistant's rudeness. He's a new assistant."

"Yeah, I don't care at all."

"John, say sorry."

"Miss, I'm sorry." Eunra nodded as approval. Mens.

"Fine." She glared at them and walked away.

"Wait, miss!" 

Ahh, what again? 

"Yes?" Eunra forced a smile. 

"Do you know Mr.Kim's daughter?" She raised an eyebrow. Why is this weird guy looking for me?

"Why do you want to see me?"

"Oh, you're Mr.Kim's daughter?" She nodded.

"Can I know where his office is? I need to take a file." Eunra raised her eyebrow at that white-haired guy, suspiciously.

"Oh, don't worry, I called him about this."


"Here's the file you're looking for. Anything else you need before I die of starvation?" 

He shook his head.

"Good, now go and let me buy my food."

"Wait, is it okay if I buy you dinner? Just to make it up to you about just now."

"No, thank you." She faked a smile and walked away.

What a weird guy.

"Jeez, she's scary."

hello welcome to the first chapter of this book!!

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