Hit By A Truck

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I woke up with a pounding in my head. 

I groaned and sat up. 

I looked around. 

'Fuck, this is not my room.' I told myself and looked around. 

It looked like a boys room but I couldn't make out who's it was. 

I got out of bed and shuffled through the room slowly. I saw two framed pictures standing on a desk and walked to it. 

I took one in my hands and looked closely at it. 

Cameron with a lot of people surrounding him while they all were laughi-. 

Shit, I was at Cameron's. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Well I sure did leave a good impression. 

I placed the picture back on the place where it was before and looked down at my clothes. 

I slept in the clothes I wore last night. My make-up was probably smudged everywhere but well. 

I took my hair out of the messy ponytail and brushed my fingers through it. 

I walked to the door and opened it. 

I looked down the hall but there was no one to be found. 

I walked downstairs and looked around. 

I found the kitchen and saw a black haired guy sitting on a chair eating cereal. He looked up at me and gave me a smile. 

'You look better than I do. How are you feeling?' He asked me. 

'In need of a bowl cereal and another aspirin.' I told him and rubbed my temples. 

He laughed and stood up he made me a bowl of cereal and handed me a glass of water and an aspirin. 

I sat down on the chair on the opposite of him and I felt his eyes burn. 

'I'm sorry for giving you too much drinks last night.' He told me apologetic. 

'I'm the one who downed them.' I laughed and he laughed along. 

'You downed them like you were getting paid for it.' He joked and laughed. 

'Well, I get paid for it.' I stated. 'With a massive hangover.' I laughed at my own joke and Nash spat out his cereal because he laughed that hard. 

He shooked his head and laughed. 

I began to eat my cereal after I downed the aspirin with some water and looked at Nash.

His messy bed hair and the bags under his eyes showed me that I wasn't the only one who had a wild night. 

I grabbed a piece of cereal out of the cereal box and threw it at Nash. 

It hit his head and landed on the table.

'Oh no, you didn't .' He told me.

'Oh yes, I did. What are you going to do about it?' I asked him playfully. I took my last bite of my cereal and finished it. 

He grabbed a handfull of cereal and looked at me. 

'Nooo-..' I was cut of by the cereal that hit my face. 

I grabbed two hands full of cereal and stood up. Nash did the same and stood on the other side of the table, ready to attack. 

I threw a handfull of cereal his way and ducked under the table. 

I heard Nash began to laugh and I looked at his feet. 

I saw him walking around the table and suddenly he grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the table. 

I tried to stop him and laughed but it failed. 

He placed his legs on each side of my body and he held me in his grip with his legs. 

He laughed louder and let the cereal fall down on me. 

'No, no more cereal. Please.' I begged him while I laughed loudly along with Nash. 

'You began and I will finish it.' He said adn sat down on my legs and held my hands with one of his hands so I was helpless. 

I was looking at him while I laughed. 

Suddenly his hand with cereal flew to my mouth and he pushed the cereal in. 

I let out a scream and tried to escape. He coverered my mouth with his hand and laughed. 

'Eat it and I will stop!' He stated. 'Mwuhahahaha..' He let out an evil laugh which made me laugh. I began to eat the cereal when a high pitched voice rang through the kitchen. 

'Who is she?' A girl asked. 

We both looked her way and Nash looked down to me and then back to her. 

'This is a friend of Cam.' He told the girl and stood up. He helped me up and I spat out the cereal in the bin. 

'Why were you on top of her?' She asked him with her arms crossed over her chest. 

'Did you kiss her?' She asked. 

'No, no..' Nash stammered. 

'We didn't kiss, nothing happend. We had a cereal fight and besides that Nash is like a brother to me.' I bluffed. It wasn't true what I said. I only met the guy last night but she didn't need to know that. 

'Thanks for the cereal.' I told Nash and patted his back. 

I walked past them into the livingroom. Before I got there I saw Cam walking downstairs only wearing a sweatpants. 

'Goodmorning.' He told me and smiled. 

'Goodmorning.' I said and tried to focus on his eyes but his abs distracted me from doing so. 

'How do you feel?' He asked me once he reached me. 

'I just got force fed cereal by Nash and had a cereal fight. And I took another aspirin because I feel like I've been hit by a truck but besides that I'm fine.' I told him and laughed. 

He laughed and looked at me. 

'How do you feel?' I asked him. 

'I'm feeling like I've got hit by a brick the whole night long but besides that I'm fine.' He stated with a smile. 

We heard a girl laugh and looked towards the kitchen. Nash carried the girl in his arms, bridalstyle and walked our way. 

Cam shook his head and the girl looked at us. 

Nash mouthed a 'thank you' to me when she didn't look and I nodded to him. 

They walked upstairs and dissapeared into a room. 

Cam chuckled. 

'He always does that and he never know their name.' He told me and laughed. 

'Well, she doesn't seem that clever so she probably will never notice.' I joked. 

'He always picks the dumb ones who spread their legs after a 'hello.' He informed me. 

'No way. What about you? You don't like girls who throw themselves at you?' I asked him. 

'Well there are enough girls throwing themselves at me but I'm sick of it. They always want me for the fame, they never really like me you know.' He told me and ruffled his hair. 

'That's too bad, they would be lucky to know you.' I told him and smiled. 

'You euhh.. you want coffee?' He asked me suddenly. 

I nodded and he walked to the kitchen. I trailed behind him and smiled to myself. 

So Nash is the ladies man, who would've thought that?  

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