Goody Two Shoes

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´So what did you do to deserve this?´ Cameron asked me once he caught up with my fast pace.

´I kind of hit the teacher with my gum when I try to spit it in the bin.´ I told him while laughing at the thought of it. 

´How do you do that?´ He asked me laughing. 

´Well I was sitting quite far from the bin and I tried to spit it in there and then the teacher walked past it and it got in his hair.´ I told him. 

He began to laugh and I laughed with him. 

´That is hilarious.´ He said laughing. 

´Well yeah, it was pretty hilarious but it sucks that I had to go to the principals.´ I told him and sighed. 

We got to room 212 and I walked in. 

I saw a woman sitting behind the desk with her purse on her lap. 

´Hello.´ She said and stood up. 

´So I´m gonna go and when I get back the tables will be clean and free from gum. Understood?´ She asked us. 

We both nodded and she took her keys and walked past us to the door. 

´That´s all you need.´ She told us and pointed to the stuff next to the desk. I walked towards it after I nodded to her.

She closed the door after her and I heard her lock the door.

I shot up and looked at the door.

´Did she just lock it?´ I asked Cameron with wide eyes.

´Yeah, they always do. Is this your first time?´ He asked me and walked over to me.

He grabbed a cloth and a cleaning bottle and walked over to the nearest table.

He began to clean it while looking at me.

´What do you mean first? First what?´  I asked him and grabbed a cloth and cleaning bottle myself. 

I walked to the table next to Cameron and began to clean it. 

´Well first time getting caught for doing something in class.´ He asked me.

I looked at him and laughed.

´Do I look that much like a goody two shoes?´ I asked him. 

´No? I don´t know.´ He said hesitating. 

´Well that sounded very convincing.´ I said and shook my head. 

´You know, I never met a girl who got send to the principals because she spat chewing gum in a teachers hair, okay? So cut me some slack.´ He said and chuckled. 

´Why are you even here?´ I asked him while moving on to another table. 

´I pushed a guy´s head against the table.´ He said and made an ´oops´ face. 

´You what? Why?´ I asked him and laughed at the thought of Cameron smashing a guy´s head on a table. 

´Well he said something that made me mad and he sat infront of me so I smashed his head against his table. Like this.´ He showed me the move he did by the guy. 

'He only has a bruise or a bump on his head, so he doesn't have to be a cry baby over it like he was when he told the principal the story. He needs to man up.' Cameron told me and shrugged. 

I laughed and looked at him. 

´He probably deserved it and atleast you are here for a cool reason.´ I chuckled. 

I was almost done with my row tables so I looked under the table to search for any gum that needed to be scratched off. 

I made a gagging sound.

´Jezus, a dump is cleaner than the down side of these tables.´ I told him. 

I stood up again to see Cameron shaking his head. 

He grabbed two scrapers and two bins. 

He handed me one of each and sat down under a table. 

I looked at him while I sat down under the table next to him. 

I looked up at the table and felt the need to puke.

´This is disgusting.´ I said with my hand on my mouth. 

Cameron laughed. 

Suddenly he sat up, hit his head against the table and spat something out. 

I laughed and clamped my stomach. 

´What are you doing?´ I breathed out inbetween laughter. 

´I almost choked on chewing gum that fell into my mouth.´ He breathed out while laughing. 

He crawled away from the table and covered his forehead with his hand. 

´Jezus, that hurt.´ He said chuckling. 

´Let me look.´ I said, I shuffled closer to him and took his hand away. 

´Yup, that´s gonna be a bump. But you can deal with it, you´re handsome so no one is gonna notice it.´ I mumbled the last part. 

´Really?´ He said while looking at me.  

´What?´ I said, shaking myself out of thought. 

´You said, you were gonna get the gum off yourself so I could lay down.´ He said with a smile. 

´No, I didn´t.´ I said and shook my head. 

´Too bad you didn´t go with that.´ He said laughing. 

I punched him on his chest and he groaned. 

´Ughh... Jezus.´ He said while gasping for air.

´That´s what you get for lying. Man up.´ I told him and smiled. ´Now go scrape off that gum without eating it, okay?´ I said joking. 

´You are mean, I could´ve died.´ He said. 

´Well then I would´ve stole your car, probably.´ I tried to sound serious. 

´I would probably have done the same if I were you.´ He said laughing. 

He grabbed the scraper and crawled back under his table and we began to clean the tables again. 

´So...´ He began. 


´You are not a goody two shoes?´ He asked me. 

´Well, why would I be here for then?´ I asked laughing. ´Besides that, I probably have spend more time in the principals office than in class.´ 

´Same, not really something to be proud of but well.´ He told me and shrugged. 

We went on like this, scraping chewing gum off the tables, for two hours. We mostly were quiet beside cracking a stupid joke once in a while. 

We finally could go home now. We dumped the cleaning stuff next to the desk and Cam walked to the door. 

He tried opening it but it was hopeless. 

´Fuck, she locked us up.´ He stated. ´There is no one here anymore, all the lights are out.´ He told me and looked at me with wide eyes. 

´Are you fucking kidding me?´ I asked him and looked through the door window. 

But he wasn´t kidding. 

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