Why Do I Even Hang Out With You

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Cameron brought me home and once I got out, he got out of the car aswell.

'Heeey, do I see you Monday?' He asked me.

'Ofcourse, wouldn't want to miss scratching the gum off the tables or you choking on one.' I joked.

He made a 'hurt' face.

'I could've died! You know that that's a touchy subject.' He told me and pouted.

'Oh cry baby. You are still alive so don't cry over it.' I told him and stuck out my tongue.

'You are so mean. I don't know why I even hang out with you.' He said and huffed.

'Well then stop hanging out with me if you don't like it. I don't force you to hang out with me.' I told him and shrugged. I felt horrible because of what he said. It hurted.

I turned around and was about to walk to the door when Cameron ran over and grabbed my arm.

It made me spin around and I faced him.

'I'm sorry, that was a lie.' He told me, I let my eyes fall to the ground. 'Look at me.' He demanded. I looked up and met his eyes.

'I like hanging out with you. I really, really like hanging out with you. Okay?' He assured me.

'Okay. I will see you Monday.' I told him and turned around once again.

I walked to the door and grabbed my keys.

I opened the door and walked in. I slammed it shut behind me and dropped my bag on the floor.

'Did he meant that he liked hanging out or was it just so I wouldn't feel bad?' I asked myself.

Guess, we will find out Monday.

My mom would be home later this evening so I had to eat alone. I placed a pizza in the oven and watched some TV while I waited for the pizza to get ready.

I watched 'Keeping up with The Kardashians' until the oven beeped, the pizza was ready. I ate the pizza and watched TV for the rest of the afternoon and part of the evening.

I went to bed after I brushed my teeth and got into my PJ's. I went on my laptop for quite some time and then I went to sleep.

The next day I woke up by the smell of pancakes.

I jumped out of bed and walked downstairs.


I walked into the kitchen and greeted my mom.

'Hii honey. Did you have fun Friday?' She asked me.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and smiled.

'Yes, it was fun.' I lied. Well I had fun apart from the part where I puked.

'Good. Now go and eat some pancakes because I made way too many.' She told me and pointed to the plate with a pile of pancakes and laughed.

I looked at the clock.

Almost 1 in the afternoon. I only got some sleep around two AM so I was glad that I slept this long.

After I finished my pancakes I went upstairs to my room and grabbed my laptop.

I opened YouTube and scrolled through some suggested videos. I saw Cameron's name pop up and it reminded me that he would upload the video today.

So I went over to his channel and there it was our video, it was titled: Crazy adventure with James Bond and Catwoman.

I laughed at it and clicked on the video. I watched the video. It was hilarious. I got to the end where only Cameron was talking, I wasn't there anymore.

'So (Y/N), the girl who you just saw, took an adorable picture without me knowing it. So here it is.' He beamed and showed the picture I took when he was taking a shower. The picture of me where I stuck out my tongue.

I laughed.

'She is the first girl who doesn't want to hang out with me because I make videos and Vines.' He said and smiled while he looked down.

'But the point is that I made her think that I don't like to hang out with her but that is not the case. In fact I really like hanging out with her. So yeah, I just had to set that straight. So (Y/N), if you are watching. Please believe me. I like hanging out with you.' He said and smiled.

Now he did his outro and the video stopped.

I smiled to myself and shook my head.

I couldn't wait until I would see him again. I joined hanging out with him, atleast he got my jokes and sarcasme.

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