chapter 5

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A/n-  the forever fall forest


You walk to ruby's dorm once there you give the door a knock reveal yang she the takes her sister before she closes the door she says something quickly

Yang- I approve of him

Y/N- hm?

The door shuts and you start walking back to your dorm only to met by Jaune sitting in front of his door

Y/N- jaune right?

Jaune looks at with surprise

Jaune- oh, uh how long have you've been standing there

Y/N- not long,* tilting head * why the long face?

Jaune- I uh, * sighs * I messed up

Y/N- how so?

Jaune- I did something I shouldn't have now Cardin's got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't talk to me, maybe coming to this school was a bad idea, I'm a failure as a leader

You sit to his level and get oddly close to him to his discomfort

Jaune- what are you doing?

You look at him and with a head tilting you answer

Y/N- hm? Strange I don't see a failure, all I see is a person who made a mistake

Jaune- but-

Y/N- as a leader you need to put others before yourself but there are bond to downs but if you let those downs define then you'll just reflect that on your teammates


Y/N- if anything you're as far from a leader as you can be

Jaune then looks sadden at your words

Y/N- but you'll get there, and you have your team there to help you on the way

You get and start walking back to your dorm but you're stopped by Jaune

Jaune- hey?

Y/N- hm?

Jaune- thanks, even though I don't know much about you, you seem pretty easy to talk to

Y/N- you're very welcome, you should get some rest you go to the Forever forest tomorrow if I'm correct, I might even join

You disappear leaving a grin behind feeling happy

Timeskip morning

Wake earlier then usual and thought weather to go to on the field trip or stay

Y/N- hm? Positives of going, get to see ruby and try to get know the others, maybe have enough tree sap left off to make wild Barry cake* drooling *, positives of staying, sleeping in, that's it, I don't attend many of my classes anymore so I can sleep in whenever I feel like it, so...


You disappeared and followed everyone through the forest

Goodwitch- yes the forever fall forest is beautiful, but we are not here to sightsee Professor peach has asked all of you collect samples from the trees deep in the forest and I'm here to make sure you don't die while doing so

You look to Jaune and see he's oddly close to Cardin

Goodwitch- all of you are to collect one jar of red sap, however, this forest is full of creatures of Grimm so be sure to stay  by your teammates

A Rose's Odd helper( ruby rose x male cat faunus reader ) [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now