Chapter 2

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A/N: WARNING!! There might be mention of self-harm, suicide. There would be indications for when that time starts and stops so if you would like skip. Thank you.




   Honestly this shit annoys me. I get up from my mattress and grab that useless sweater. I release a heavy yawn and stretch like a cat that has hibernated like a brown bear while trying to avoid my bruises. I release a heavy sigh at the fact that this is a new day with new bruises and new insults. I honestly don't understand how they can come up with different insults every-damn- time

5:30 a.m, the clock says, normally I would have gotten up 30 minutes earlier but I over slept because I was so tired. Still, life goes on.

   I go to the little bathroom to the side of my 'room' which has a broken mirror to the left side with a tiny sink, with a little broken cupboard to the right of the sink where I have my little necessities like my toothbrush and toothpaste, my little first aid kit, etc. There is a cubicle at the other side of the bathroom. The shower is kinda broken. I undress and walk into the shower. I start the water and slowly go under the freezing running water. I shudder at the sudden change in temperature then slowly start to adapt to the cold water. The pack never allows me to use hot water because they say I'm not worth it, their words not mine, so this is how I live.

I don't spend more that 10 minutes in there. I use the only towel I have to dry off my body. I quickly put on my under garments, my baggy shirt and my torn leggings.

5:45 a.m, the clock says.

Uh oh

The pack rises at 6:30 a.m. I open my door quietly so as not to wake the others up. Normally Julia is also meant to be up but I told her to get her needed rest and I would handle the pack this morning.

    I get to the kitchen and quickly decide on what to prepare, bacon, buttered toast, blueberry pancakes with orange juice. I quickly get to work on their breakfast starting with the pancakes. I get the pancake mix and prepare to make 350 pancakes, 550 toast and 250 bacons. As the Starlight pack is one of the biggest packs in Oregon with about 900 members in total and grown wolves with high metabolism, a lot of food has to be made.

...Time skip, 25 minutes later...

    I start to hear foot steps coming down the stairs, signifying the pack has started to awaken. Since this is a Monday morning teenagers have to get up early to go to school. The only thing they didn't take away from me is my right to education. I'm really gr-. One nasty jab to my stomach sends me out of my thoughts.

Welp, that's gonna leave a bruise

"Why not serve us our food, runt", the future Alpha, Dylan says. I bow to show respect and submission. I can already see the satisfied smirk on his face. Standing at 6"1 with black hair, emerald green eyes, long nose and sharp jaws oh and those lips... Snap out of it Savannah.  But I won't lie, he is handsome, well I can't say that out loud obviously.

The way he said runt was like the word was poison to the earth. He walks out of the kitchen but not before slapping me on my cheek one more time. The stinging feeling leaving an uncomfortable pain on my cheek. I rub it softly to soothe the pain.

I pick up the trays of food trying to balance them so I can serve the it faster. The pack dinning hall used to be a ballroom but since we have stopped hosting balls and all, it has been converted to a dining hall. I slowly start to walk out of the massive kitchen into the large room.

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