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First lesson. Grabbing all my things I needed for my first class. I didn't want to be late especially not to professor Snapes lesson I heard he was quite strict.

I arrive 5 minutes early to defence against the dark arts, it seemed that everyone else didn't want to be late to his lesson as most of the students were already here.

I saw Luna standing to my left on her own, I walked over quickly to her to start a conversation before class started. "Hi."

"Hey Lilith! How are you getting on in Slytherin?"

"Uh- fine I guess." 

"You guess?" A concerned look appeared on her face.

"Ya, I mean most of the people in the house don't seem that bad but I just feel like- like I'm not meant to be Slytherin."

"I was confused at first but I'm glad your making frien-" Luna quickly got interrupted by professor Snape.

"Welcome 5th year. Since this is our first lesson we will need to arrange a seating plan. It seems that most of the class is already here." He scanned the class room at everyone's bright faces. "All right then. Mr potter sit in the left side, first row with... Mr Weasley, Crab and Goyle behind them, in the middle row..." He stopped to try and remember Luna's name as he looked at her. "You. The girl with blonde hair standing next to the new girl."

"I'm Luna."

"Ok, yes. Sit in the front middle row next to... Miss Granger." I was now standing on my own. Snape arranged everyone's set and left me to last. "Lilith Mikaelson you will sit on your own in the back row to the right."

"Great." I mumbled under her breath sarcastically.

After getting out all my notes out and quill Snape started to teach the lesson. He only started speaking for 2 minutes before the door swings open and Draco Malfoy walked in hastily.

"How kind of you to join us, Mr Malfoy. The only spare seat in the class seems to be by Lilith Mikaelson, please go sit down over there."

A small groan came from draco as he rolled his eyes before hesitating to walk over to his seat.

I thought everything was going to good on my first day but then I smelt it. Blood.

Blood is one of a vampires greatest weakness.

I turned to Malfoy while he was sitting down, he placed his hand upon the table as he leaned back on his chair, daringly. His knuckles were stained blood. My eyes were locked on him as I struggled to look away.

"Staring are you?"

My eyes widened as I relied he Malfoy was talk to me, I simply ignored him as I could feel that I was slowly loosing control. I could feel the veins on my face starting to appear, it felt like sand paper rubbing against my skin. I quickly turned my head to the wall and covered my face with my hair.

Draco slowly moved closer to me rising one eyebrow and whispered. "Squeamish are you?" 

I didn't reply.

"It's just a bit of blood." A smirk appeared on his face, Draco moved even closer at this point I could feel this heated breath close to me.

I could not lose control. I promised my father and to myself. I grabbed my things and put them in my bag knowing if I stayed there one more minute I might end up loosing it. Just as I turned Draco grabbed my arm, my face still turning away. 

"Going somewhere? Lesson only started 15 minutes ago." His tone had turned into mockery as he was trying to irritate me. 

I quickly realised from his grip and carried on walking out the door, the further I got I could still smell his blood. Was he following me? I looked behind to see the empty corridor. I was disappointed in myself. This was my first proper day and I hadn't even lasted 20 minutes.


The rest of the day I spent in my dorm writing a letter to my mother and father. I didn't know if I wanted to tell them what happened to today as they might get worried and send me home. So I didn't.

It was around 6pm now and I was starting to feel hungry again after snacking on crisps all day. I made my self look some what presentable by brushing out my hair and touching up a little on my makeup.

As I got seated in the main hall I started to put some chicken and potatoes on my plate. The main hall started to get more crowded but still no Slytherin had turned up until I could see Pansy walking over with Draco. The sight of seeing Draco again made my stomach turn.

As pansy and Draco finally got to the Slytherin table they both came to sit by me. It was obvious Draco didn't really want to sit near either one of us but there were no other people at the table.

"Lilith hey! Where were you all day? You missed like all your classes." Pansy asked me looking at me with a suspicious look on her face.

"Uh, y-yeah I didn't feel too well so I went back to the dor-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Draco rudely let out a small laugh.

"What you laughing it?" I snapped while furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing, nothing. Just seems a bit strange you left after seeing the blood on my knuckles, how Squeamish are you?" He chuckled again.

Pansy nudging Draco shoulder and laughed flirtatious towards Draco. 

My palms got really sweaty and I can't even imagine the look on my face. "I am squeamish if u really had to know." Rolling my eyes and letting out a forced huff.

"God. Chill out Mikaelson. It was just a question." I could see a small smirk coming from his mouth as he knew this aggravated me. 

"Anyways, I'm going back to the dorm and catching  up on work that I missed." Getting up hastily. I could hear Draco mutter something under his breath I choose to ignore him. I walked straight out the great hall doors I turned around to see if they were looking at me.

I just can't let them know. I can't let anyone know.

Eternity ~ Draco Malfoy x tvdWhere stories live. Discover now