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Draco POV

"Malfoy, get up! Stop over exaggerating, you're fine! You clearly didn't get hurt. Stop being an attention seeker!" I rub my eyes thoroughly to see Marcus Flint standing over to where I lay, normally I would have snapped back at him for calling me an attention seeker but at this right moment I felt completely drained maybe that was because how much blood I lost. I look down at my left arm expecting to see it looking as bad as it did the last time I looked. But it wasn't. It was healed. How? "Mate, get up and help Zabini with us." Flitch crossing his arms before walking over to Zabini.

Zabini's arm was facing the wrong way it was meant to. He must have only just woken up again from blacking out as he let out a painful cry as Pompfrey struggles to lift him up to take him to the hospital wing.

I didn't really care that Zabini was injured after all he was the one that bumped into me. All I could think about was how I was healed. I scratched my head vigorously and tried to think about what happened. I remember falling, blacking out, waking up and seeing someone... Lilith. There was something on her face. Around her eyes. She gave me something, her blood? She repeated over and over to calm down and that this will help, then she just left. Did she saved me?

"For god sake, Malfoy! Stop day dreaming, we are all going to the hospital wing to help Zabini, hurry up." Flint shouted 20 meters away from me following Pompfry.

Of course I'm not going to follow them. I was going to find Lilith.

Lilith POV

After looking around Hogwarts frantically for Draco he was no where to be seen, I decided I would go look back in the common room hoping he had shown up.

As I got into the common room it was empty, not even a first year in site and then I heard load footsteps walking into the common room I spun around awkwardly to see who had walked in. It was him. My palms started to get sweaty and my chest started to feel tight again. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out.

"I need to speak to you." Draco's voice came across as bold and confident which lowered my self esteem.

"Uh- yea- yeah me too." My words came out mumbly.

There was an awkward silence as Draco closed the distance between us. "So... um-" I broke the silence.

"No! Let me speak." Draco demanded. I didn't respond, I tried to keep my face look straight and emotionless to hid the nerves and anxious feelings that has been building up. Draco continued "What did you do?"


"You're lying." Draco snapped. "What happened with your eyes?" His eyes were locked on me. "Answer me. What happened with your eyes?!"

I knew exactly what he was on about. "Nothing. You must have been hallucinating." I lied.

Draco stood there starting down at me, anger flaring up in his face. "No! It looked like strange. You gave me your blood." My chest felt tighter by his words.

"You were hallucinating." I lied again.

"No. No. I remember." He clenched his knuckles and took a step closer to me.

"I- i-"I got interrupted by Pansy storming into the common room.

"We have to go to the great hall there is an announcement." Pansy gave me the same look she did at the party, which made my nerves grow. Draco glared down at me before storming out of the common room. I was relieved Pansy interrupted us I don't think I had another excuse to argue against Draco.

Getting into the main hall the whole school was whispering to each other wondering why we were all called into the great hall, this very rarely happened except if it was something important.

Pansy let out a huff as I sat myself down next to her, one thing that I learnt about her is she gets so jealous every time I spoke to Draco. I ignored her little tantrum and looked around the hall to see if anyone had mentioned why we were called to the hall.

A small forced cough came from the front of the hall which made everyone's head turn. "How lovely to see all you're bright happy faces smiling up at me, am sure we are all going to be very good friends." A small lady dressed in pink stood up in front of the main hall. She let out a little squeaky chuckle before continuing, "I shall be your new headmistress for now." Quiet whispers formed across the great hall. "Hush hush no speaking. You should all call me Umbridge." The hall was now dead silent and everyone was staring at her with wide eyes. I knew everyone was thinking the same thing about why Dumbledore was leaving but my mind was thinking of something different, how would I get blood bags?

After minutes of silence Professor Snape finally breaks it "you can now go back to your common rooms, Umbridge will be setting new rules tomorrow morning." New rules? Everyone stood up from their seats and started talking again about everything going on, I turned to Pansy to tell her my thoughts about Umbridge and Dumbledore but before I got the chance she stood up and walked out.


It had been a whole week since Umbridge took control of the school and her rules have had Hogwarts students frantic, including me. The only good thing about this week was that Draco had not come up to me and asked me anything else from that night, me and him would occasionally lock eyes in class or the common room but apart from that I don't think he expects anything of me. On the other hand, Pansy and I have not had the best time. Every time I try and speak to her she flips out on me and it ends up in an argument. There was only 2 weeks until the Christmas break begins and I couldn't be more exited to see my parents.

Draco POV

This last week has been hell. With Umbridge' new rules and trying to convince Zabini to play in the upcoming quidditch game after his accident he is refusing. Personally I think he is dragging it out to get attention. I still hadn't given up on finding out what Lilith is hiding, it intrigued me more then anything.

On a late Saturday night I snuck out after hours to go to the library. I got lost on my way since I never gone to the library before. When I snuck in through the big doors I instantly smelt old books, it was dark since we were all meant to be in our dorms, I took out my wand and whispered "lumos" before walking down the long rows of books. "Dragons, no... invisibility, no... dark magic, interesting but no, not what I'm looking for" I quietly whispered to myself.

I was getting tired of walking around in circles looking for a book that could explain to me something about Lilith, I was getting to the last book on the row "The Mikaelson Family." A small grin appears on my face and I extend my arm to grab the book. I slowly open the book to the first page and a gather of dust blew up into my face, I let out a small cough trying to stay silent.

I started to read over the first chapter. "The Mikaelson Family, also known as the Original Vampires and the Originals, are the first vampire clan that existed." My heart dropped. The book I was holding almost left my hands as I tried to process what I read. "Are the first vampire clan" I repeated. I noticed my breath was getting heavier and my hands had started to shake. I skipped a few pages of the book until I saw the a new chapter called "Lilith Mikaelson." My eyes moved swiftly to the first paragraph. "Lilith Mikaelson is the hybrid, the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes." My eyes locked onto the names Niklaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes. I recognised them names, my father has mentioned them names before.

I heard a footstep walking into the library and a cranky voice shouted. "Hello? Anybody in here."

I put my wand back in my pocket before closing the book and holding it in between my arms, my heart was beating so fast I started to hear it beating in my ears, I waited before I could not hear anything before leaving the library to walk backup to the common room.

I tried to change the subject off my mind but I could not focus on anything else expect 3 words. Lilith. Hybrid. Original.

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