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She glared over the desk at the man she called her husband. His vest shining in the light.

"Gemma, look." He started.

"I don't want to talk about it, it's done."

"It's not done until I say it's done!" He stood, punching his hand into the desk.

Gemma snarled her lip in disgust.

"Fuck you." She spat and went to walk away, but he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to him.

"Let go!" She punched him and he instantly fell back.

"Come back here now Gemma." Clay spoke slowly.

"You're a son of a bitch."

He grabbed the books off of the desk and threw them at the window and pushed the computer off of the desk.

"Oh wow, you're such a man let's break some more shit!" She screamed, knocking over a filing cabinet.

After both of their fits of rage, they looked at each other, their eyes filled with lust.

Gemma quickly shook it off and sighed.

"I'll clean this mess up. You go home."

"I'm sorry."

"It's the same story everytime."

"Gemma, I'm nothing with out you baby." He said quietly before leaving.

Gemma wiped away her stray tear and continued to pick paperwork up.

After she was finished she went hunting for her keys to finally go home.

She walked outside and saw Clay's bike and shook her head. She should've known he wouldn't go home when she told him to.

She started her car up and began her journey home. She may have been annoyed with Clay, but she loved him deeply. She'd do anything for him, even kill.

As she pulled to the red light, she put her head on the wheel and began to cry.

"Help me! Help me!" A woman came running to her car frantically.

She reach for her gun.

"My baby's choking!"

She put the gun back down and got out of the car.

"What's he choking on?" She asked as she walked to the van.

"I don't know, a bottle cap or something."

Gemma climbed into the van and took the cover off to find a babydoll.

She turned around and was struck in the face, everything instantly going black.

Okay, I know this isn't what I usually write about, but inspiration struck and I had to do it. It's always good to get out of your comfort zone! I didn't want to publish this because it is literally my baby lmao and I've been working on it for weeks.

SOA: Gemma & Clay; An unusual love storyWhere stories live. Discover now