Two (TW: R@pe)

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She woke to men speaking, her head was fuzzy and her ears were ringing. She tried moving her hands and instantly realized they were cuffed to the chain link fencing.

"Please." She croaked out to the men, desperate to get away.

The men walked closer to her, she instantly started panicking.

"Do you know who I am?! I'll have you killed!"

Gemma kicked a man, knocking him down before they all came to her, holding her down.

What happened to her next was all a blur. Each man had a white mask on. The men used her body, each one taking their time as they took turns. As they tired themselves out, the last man came up to her, he whispered,

"It's almost over, just make sure to let Clay know he needs to stop selling guns or this will happen again."

Gemma noticed his tattoo and knew it was Zobelles right hand man, Winston.

They uncuffed her and she fell to the ground. The man threw a blanket at her. She was mortified and curled in a ball. In that moment, she wanted to die.

She didn't know how long she'd laid there, but she heard Wayne screaming for her from the door.

"Wayne! Wayne!" She croaked.

"Hold on Gemma, I'm coming!" He shot the lock off of the door and ran to her.

"Oh god Gemma."

"G-get me o-out of here." She sobbed.


The car ride was silent up until the end.

"How'd you know I was there?"

"I recognized your car from the call in."

"Anonymous tip?"


Gemma rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to the hospital."

"You have to Gemma."

"No, I'll call Tara."



"Swear to me you won't tell anyone." She looked at Tara and Wayne.

"I promise."

"I don't know Gemma." Tara started.


"Fine, I won't say anything, but you have to go to the hospital."


Tara stood and pulled Wayne aside.

"They're gonna see her face."

"I know, I'll figure it out."

"I can't fully help in my livingroom."

"I don't want my insurance or hospital records showing."

"What if we use Abels name instead?"

"Couldn't that get you fired?"

"I'll figure it out Gemma. I'm the doctor after all."

SOA: Gemma & Clay; An unusual love storyWhere stories live. Discover now