Before The Truth~ Chapter 1

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***Hey guys before I start I want to say welcome to my first story!! This chapter takes place near the end of Harry's 4th year and Ginny's 3rd year. I am making this as a general background of why they are enemy's, I hope you enjoy!***

(3rd POV)

Harry was walking down the corridor with his friends in slytherin, Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and more. Harry and Draco are best mates and are pretty popular, as they are walking around school with a bunch of other Slytherins and girls who are trying to get their attention they walk into several people. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasly. "Watch where your going!!" Ginny snapped at Harry and his gang. "Me watch where I'm going?? You are the one in my way!!" Harry snapped back at her. Ginny rolled her eyes and gave Harry a death stare. "What is the look for Weaslette, just admit it, you were in my way." Harry calmly said to her. "She wasn't in your way, you just weren't  looking were you were going!" Hermione spoke up. "What do we have here?? What is this Weaslette?? A body guard or something?" Harry said while chucking, while everyone else in his little gang burst out laughing. Ginny suddenly walked up to Harry and slapped him across the face. Harry took a step forward and pushed Ginny into the wall. Ron, Ginny's older brother got angry at this. "YOU GIT, YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" Ron yelled at Harry walking towards him. Ron punched harry in the face and Harry didn't hesitate to fight back. Before you knew it Ron and Harry were in a full fight and were both bleeding. "Get him Harry" Draco said while cheering Harry on. Professor McGonagall saw what was happening and yelled at them, "WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOUR DOING!" She said breaking them apart. "Professor he pushed my sister into the wall so I punched him and he fought back." Ron exclaimed. "Mr. Potter is this true? McGonagall asked. "Yes professor but I only pushed her into the wall because she slapped me" Harry said defensively. "10 points will be taken from both houses and you will have detention with Professor Snape tonight." McGonagall said walking off. "You stupid Weasley" Harry said walking off with his gang following.

(Later that evening when Harry and Ron arrive in detention)

"I can't believe you got me detention you bloody git" Harry said with an angry look on his face. "I didn't get you detention, you did that yourself!" Ron said back with an angry look. "Quiet both of you" Snape said walking past them. Harry rolled his eyes and did what he was suppose to. After several hours both Ron and Harry left detention without speaking to each other both heading back to their common rooms.

(In the Gryffindor common room)
[Rons POV] 

I walked into the common room to see Ginny, Hermione, Seamus, Nevielle and Dean sitting around doing their work. "Oi mate, how was detention?" Seamus said in his Irish accent. "Boring, it was worse because I had to do it with Potter." I said annoyed. "Well you didn't miss much, we have just been doing homework." Hermione said lifting her head out of her book. "Yea mate, to be honest I think you had more fun then we did." Dean said Jokingly. "Ron, I want you to check out this new plant I found!" Neville said excited. "Neville mate we already told you, the plant isn't much." Seamus said while writing. Ginny came up to Ron and hugged him. "Thanks for standing up for me earlier and and all but I can handle myself." Ginny said briskly. "Don't have to remind me." I said while rolling his eyes. "I'm going to head off to bed, night." Dean said standing up and heading upstairs. "I think I'm going to head to bed to mate" Seamus said heading up the stairs. "I am going to be as well" Neville said standing up and walking off. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Hermione. "You look tired" Hermione said looking at me. "I am but I should start my homework at least" I said taking out a piece of parchment and my quill. "Ron don't even, you know you aren't going to do anything" Ginny said giggling a bit. "Yea I'm just going to head upstairs and go to sleep" I said putting my stuff up and walking upstairs while Hermione and Ginny laughed.

(Meanwhile in the Slytherin common room)

[Harry's POV]

I walked into the common room and sat down on the couch next to Draco. "God I hate that stupid red head Weasley." I said a bit angry. "Good to know I'm not the only one who feels that way" Draco said laughing. "Well the year is almost over so we don't have to worry about seeing them much longer" Crabbe said sitting on a couch with his feet on the table. "I'm going to bed don't do anything stupid" I said glaring at Crabbe and Goyle. I walked to my dorm and changed into my sleep wear. I layed down on my bed and fell asleep quickly. 

***Hey guys I hope you enjoyed! I made this chapter as a bit of background for the future of the story. The next part will start with Harry at the Dursley's at the beginning of July. Thanks for reading!!***

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