The Rescue Mission Part 1: Chapter 13

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(Several weeks later)

[Ginny's POV]

It has been several weeks since everything happened and Dumbledore still hasn't been seen. On top of all that Harry has been worried. He had a nightmare a few days ago about Sirius.

Ever since the nightmare Harry has barely talked to anyone and he has been trying to get in touch with Sirius.   

I am in the Gryffindor common room with Ron, Hermione and Neville. It is almost midnight but none of us can sleep. Well Ron wants to go to sleep but we are making him stay in the common room with us.

We are worried about Harry. Draco has been trying to talk to him but can't. 

"I wonder if he is okay." I said. 

"Who?" Ron asked. I rolled my eyes. I'm not even shocked Ron doesn't know what we are talking about. I looked over at Hermione who also rolled her eyes.

"I hope so, he has been really distant lately." Neville said.

"Guy's I have a problem." Ron said with a worried look on his face.

"What this time Ronald?" Hermione asked looking at Ron with an annoyed look on her face.

"I think I like Pansy." He said and gulped.

"We know!" I said rolling my eyes. It was obvious he liked her. I swear he is the stupidest person I know.

"Do you think she likes me?" Ron said with a really worried look on his face.

"For the last time Ronald she does." Hermione said annoyed. Ron had been asking that same question all day and we were all getting annoyed.

"Just talk to her for goodness sake Ron." I said trying to get Ron to stop talking.

"You know what. I will!" Ron said and he went up the stairs to his dorm.

Eventually we all went to bed.

(The next morning)

I woke up and looked at Hermione's bed which was empty. I got up and changed into my robes. I went downstairs to see Ron and Hermione sitting on the couch.

Ron looked at me and just continued to sit. I was confused because Ron would force me out of the common room so we could go get breakfast. I looked at Hermione.

"He is going to talk to Pansy today." She said as she set down her book.

"That explains it." I said looking at Ron. "Let's go get breakfast!" I said and I walked towards the portrait hole.

Ron didn't come and we had to eventually push him out of the common room.

We finally arrived at the Great Hall and I saw Harry sitting with Draco, Pansy and Blaise. I smiled because Harry has been just grabbing food and leaving these past few days.

I walk over to them and Hermione was following me and she had to push Ron who looked like he just saw You-Know-Who.

When I got to Harry I kissed his cheek and sat down next to him.

"Morning!" I said giving him a smile. He looked up and smiled back.

"Morning Gin!" He said cheerfully. Harry was more cheerful than usual.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked smiling as I put toast on my plate. Hermione sat down next to Draco and Ron slowly sat down next to Pansy. Pansy looked at him like he was weird and then went back to her plate.

[Draco's POV] 

Harry and Ginny started talking. I had gotten Harry to act normal again somehow. Hermione sat next to me and I kissed her cheek. I then saw Ron sit down next to Pansy and she just gave him a weird look. 

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