The Aftermath: Chapter 17

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[3rd POV]

Ginny was sitting next to Harry holding his hand. Harry had been passed out for hours now.

"Mmmm" Ginny glanced to see Harry waking up.

"Harry! Your awake!" Ginny said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Harry went to sit up but felt a sharp pain in his chest. He gripped his chest and Ginny gently pushed him back down.

"Don't try to sit up, you have a few broken ribs from when you and Voldemort slammed into the ground." Ginny said and she ran her free hand threw his hair.

"Gin, is he gone? For good this time?" Harry asked with pain on his face.

"Yeah, he is." Ginny said giving Harry a soft smile. 

"Come closer." Harry said. Ginny leaned in and Harry lifted up his head. He kissed Ginny and they started to make out.

Harry was in pain but forced himself to sit up even though Ginny told him to lay down. 

"Harry..... you need...... to be..... laying.... down." Ginny said in between kisses.

"Ahem." Someone from behind Ginny said. 

They stopped kissing and Ginny turned around to see her 5 remaining brothers standing behind her.

Harry face went bright red. Ginny just looked at her brothers.

"May I help you?" Ginny said looking at them.

The Weasley kids weren't that sad about Percy's death but Mr and Mrs. Weasley were petrified.

"What does he think he is doing with his hands all over you?" Ron asked.

"Well you saw us kissing I don't know why you asking." Ginny said.

"Not in." George said

"PUBLIC!" Fred shouted finishing George's sentance.

Remus and Tonks walked over.

"Let them be, they have been dating for almost two years they should be allowed to kiss, besides we all almost died. Let them be happy, we need happiness after everything that just happened." Tonks said looking at all the boy Weasley's.

"But thats ou-" Ron started to say when Tonks cut him off.

"She is turning 17 this year, she can start making her own decisions for herself." Tonks said glaring at Ron.

"She is still our lit-" Ron started again but Tonks cut him off again. "You were over there not even five minutes ago snogging your girlfriend. Don't tell her she can't do something if you turn around and do the same thing." Tonks said.

Ron gave up of fighting and just walked away.

The twins laughed. Charlie just smiled. Bill gave a small smile and walked off.

The twins ended up walking away with Charlie following them.

"Harry, good job. You did amazing." Remus said smiling at Harry and he put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

Ginny walked over and sat down next to Harry. Tonks went and sat down next to Remus.

"Remus is right. You did an amazing job." Tonks said smiling. Ginny was rubbing Harry's back.

"It's my fault, all the deaths. If I had given mys-" Harry said before getting cut off my Remus. "Harry, the people that died didn't die because of you. They died fighting for freedom and peace." Remus said.

"But-" Harry said again this time being cut off by Ginny. "Harry, don't blame yourself. You saved thousands of lives by killing Voldemort. If you didn't kill him we wouldn't be here right now." Ginny said smiling. Harry gave a small smile.

After Voldemort's defeat Harry and Ginny got married and had 3 kids. The pranks continued from the twins and Teddy was raised by his parents. Harry couldn't of been happier.

Hermione and Draco got married after the war and ended up having 2 kids. Draco loved Hermione more then he though possible.

Ron and Pansy ended up getting married. They had 2 kids and they were happy. 

Overall after the war ended it was all good, the Weasley's buried Percy in the graveyard that was made for all the people that died during the war.

Harry had became an auror and Ginny went to become a professional quidditch player. Ginny ended up leaving after a couple years so she could spend more time with her family and she became a writer for the profit.

From enemies to lovers.

Love can happen in the smallest of places or,

Love can happen in the biggest of places.

Love can happen in the darkest of times or,

Love can happen in the lightest of times.

Love can be a dull journey or,

Love can be a powerful journey.

Love can be an odd thing or,

Love can be a simple thing.

Love can happen when you are expecting it or,

Love can happen when you least expect it.

But for there love journey it started simple.

It all started with a Slytherin and Gryffindor!

The Slytherin and the Gryffindor [A hinny lovestory]Where stories live. Discover now