Umbridge's take over: Chapter 11

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(2 months after last chapter)

[3rd POV]

It has been 2 months since the first DA meeting, and things at Hogwarts have gotten worse then imaginable.

Umbridge has the whole school under her control.

Harry went to see Ginny so he went to where they always meet at after school.

[Harry's POV]

I went to the tree by the great lake but I didn't see Ginny anywhere. I sat there for 10 minutes when I saw Hermione walking over.

"Hey Harry, Ginny wanted me to tell you that she got detention." Hermione said stopping in front of me.

"What did she do?" I asked.

"Oh you know, Umbridge got mad at her because she was talking during her class." Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"What time will she be out?" I asked her.

"Around 6, you can come hang out in the Gryffindor common room if you want." Hermione said giving a small smile. We always go to each others common rooms and both of our houses have gotten to the point where they don't care anymore.

"Yea, okay." I said, I didn't have anything else to do until then so I thought I would just hang out.

Me and Hermione started to walk up to the common room and we were talking along the way.

"Who did she get detention with?" I asked.

"Umbridge." Hermione said in a low whisper. Umbridge has the worst detentions and Hermione knew how much I hate her detentions to.

"WHAT!!!" I said concerned. "If she isn't in the common room by 6:15 I am going to Umbridge's office myself." I said.

"Harry you can't do that." Hermione said going wide eyed.

"I will anyway." I said and we finally arrived in the Gryffindor common room.

I walked in and Ron, Neville, Seamus and Dean talking in the corner.

Draco and Pansy were talking, they hung out here because Hermione and Draco were dating and Ron and Pansy fancy each other but are to afraid to admit it. Well by they I mean Ron, Pansy wants Ron to tell her first but Ron is scared so Pansy is waiting.

I never really imagined Ron and Pansy being a thing but now that they are friends I kind of see it.

We all were laughing and talking. I got distracted and checked the time to see it was 6:30 and Ginny still wasn't back. I got worried and Hermione noticed.

"She is fine." She said patting my shoulder.

"What is he worried about?" Draco asked confused.

"Ginny got detention with Umbridge and it was suppose to be over at 6:00." Hermione said. I could see the worry in her eyes but she was trying to hide it.

"I'm going to Umbridge's office." I said and I turned away.

"Harry are you insane you are going to get yourself in trouble!" Hermione said and she grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"I don't care I am going." I said and I turned around again.

"Then we are going with you, that is my sister after all." Ron said and Fred and George walked over.

"I agree with Ron." Fred said.

"Yea, we are coming with." George said.

"We will all come to." Pansy said smiling. I knew she was only going because Ron was going, which I still find funny.

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