Chapter 7: Joy

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Two weeks had passed since she took the practical exam to enter UA...and today was supposed to be when she received the results. Whether she was accepted or not was all up to a single piece of Mail that would arrive on her Father's one day off. Usually they did something, whether it was taking a walk or doing some general shopping every Sunday, but his time off had been moved to a Thursday for whatever reason. They still had things to do regardless, but Izumi had convinced him to stay home with her.

"So you're supposed to be getting your results today?" He asked for what felt like the twelfth time, in reality it was the third. For whatever reason, Felix had a horrible attention span at the moment.

"Yes, dad," she looked at him in annoyance, "I've already told you this so many times." She bounced her leg, "why do you keep asking anyway?"

"Because I keep forgetting," he slyly smiled, "so you're supposed to be ge-" a ring of fire wrapped itself around his lips as Izumi fell backwards. "Nmph hmph ymph lmp!(not fair young lady)."

"Sorry, I could've sworn you said, 'tie my mouth, make sure I can't make a sound!" She snickered before releasing the ring of fire, "anyway, how's work been?"

It was her favorite part of every Sunday, when she asked he always told her about the funniest things that happened in the precinct...sometimes he talked about cases, especially if he solved one. "Boring..."

Izumi furrowed her brow as her expression became serious, "boring? How come?" She asked as she sat up from sitting on the edge of the couch like a child. She could now see her father sitting at the table sitting at the table.

"I'd say it's boring because crime's on the low...although that's a good thing. It's weird to even think about low crime rates negatively because my life's been boring because of it. Anyway, I've pretty much just been catching up on paperwork and filing the cases that I've solved alphabetically." He explained, clearly he didn't have his priorities too straight.

"That sounds lame," she commented, clearly unenthused by his lack of interest.

"By the way," he set down his coffee mug, "weren't you supposed to be getting a letter from UA today?" Izumi couldn't mistake the trademark logo from this distance, her father was in hold of the letter.

"How long have you had it?!" She asked, excited over its arrival as she got off of the couch and approached it.

"Since I woke up at six this morning," he took a sip of his coffee, "you've gotta be more observant, Izumi. I pulled it out every time I asked you if it was arriving today," she took it from his hand, "it surprised me that you didn't notice after the second time I asked. Anyway," he looked to his right to only find an empty space, "where'd you go?" He looked over to the hallway leading out, "hey! Where're you going?" Izumi was putting her shoes on, "I thought you were going to read your letter with your old man?" He cried crocodile tears, "but it seems that you just want to you with his heart."

"I'm sorry dad," she finished putting on her shoe, "but I couldn't hear you over the door opening!" She said, opening the front door well after he finished speaking, "I gotta go! Bye," she stepped out of their house, "love you, dad!" She closed the door and locked it behind her, leaving her dad with a goodbye.

He was smiling like an idiot, "did you hear that, Ami? Our daughter loves me," a blush warmed his cheeks...or was it the coffee?


After three knocks, Katsuki's mother answered the door, "hello Izumi-Chan, come on in." She was let in just like that, it was only after the third time his mother came to the door that it became commonplace for her to just be let in like that. "Katsuki, Izumi is over," she stopped in the doorway to take off her shoes, "so you better treat her with respect in there or god help you!" Mitsuki, despite being hotheaded most of the time, was just as caring as Katsuki...but just like him, she only showed it when she wanted.

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