forty eight

598 36 2

"Hey Error, I got a great idea!"

"H-mm? Wha-t?" Error hummed, only half-listening.

"A bucket list! You can write down all the things you want to do and we can do them."

"T-ell me la-ter, im tir-ed."

"You literally just slept."

"Shu-t up, bei-ng in pain is tir-ing."

Ink huffed, joining Error on the couch. "Do you mind if I write some ideas then?"



"...Do yo-u sti-ll ha-ve tha-t heada-che medicine?" The silence was nice, but feeling like every light-source was the sun was not so nice.

"The pill ones?"


"Oh, uh, maybe? Ill go look."

Error sighed, hoping Ink still had them.

Sickly - An Errorink DrabbleWhere stories live. Discover now