ninety three

371 29 7

"Still think its stupid?" Ink grinned, watching Error content with his opened presents.

"Y-es. B-ut the gif-ts are ni-ce." Error grinned at his new selection of chocolates.

"Told you." Ink stared at his own presents. One from Dream, Blue, and even one from Error. 

"Op-en mi-ne first."

Ink glanced at him before going ahead and quickly peeled the tape covering the lid off.  Inside the box was another box and a letter. 

He snorted at the letter that read; 'fuck you'.

Then he opened the box, then the smaller box inside, then another box... and another... and another.

Ink laughed, throwing the boxes at Error.

Sickly - An Errorink DrabbleWhere stories live. Discover now