forty nine

585 30 5

"Error..." Ink dragged out the word.

"Error c'mon, you have to get up at some point!"

"...Ill pour water on you-"

"In-k, p-l-ease ju-st sh-ut u-p! I-m fuck-ing do-ne! Ju-st le-t me la-y here un-til I die! Th-ere is no po-int in getti-ng up any-way."

Ink frowned, eyeing the curled up ball of half Error and half blanket with concern. "C'mon..." He struggled to find words to do something. Comfort? Reassure? "Why not enjoy the rest of your time having fun instead of just laying around?"

"Be-cause. I-m. Tired." Error snarled.

"Oo-kay. How about you relax today, and do stuff tomorrow!"

"Uh-g! What-ev-er!"

Sickly - An Errorink DrabbleWhere stories live. Discover now