eighty eight

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"I a-m no-t watchin-g the Pol-ar Ex-press with you." Error growled as if the mere idea of watching the movie was horrifying, yet he didn't try to move from his comfortable position flush against Inks side with his arms wrapped around his neck.

"It's not that bad." Ink countered, nuzzling Errors forehead.

"Y-es it is."

"You haven't even watched it, how would you know?"

"I kno-w because of you-u sin-ging it!" Error was considering using his hold on Ink to strangle him instead.

Ink sighed in exasperation. "Just try it?"

"N-o." Error frowned, now using Inks shoulder as a pillow. "I'm jus-t gon-n-a sleep through it."

Sickly - An Errorink DrabbleWhere stories live. Discover now