eighty three

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"Thi-s is t-he w-or-st sh-ow ever." Error grimaced, horribly complexed by the image of some wolfish man animal thing- a werewolf, apparently- getting stabbed by a sword through its chest while some girl cried in the background. "Like... wh-at is even goin-g on?"

"Might have helped if you didn't fall asleep halfway through." Ink muttered, shifting under Error's blanket.

"A-s if you don-t fall asle-ep in the mi-ddle of Undernov-ella all the tim-e."

Ink grinned at Error who was glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, that's fair." 

Error huffed pointed, crossing his arms. "You st-ill ha-ve shit ta-ste."

Sickly - An Errorink DrabbleWhere stories live. Discover now