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"This is fun, right?" Ink grinned, throwing a arm around Error's shoulders and pulling him closer.

"I gue-ss." Error frowned without a single cent of awe in his eyes while they watched the sunset over the ocean. He seemed more reserved, accepting if anything.

Ink's grin lessened slightly, huddling even closer to Error, until his face fell into a similar frown.

"It is pret-ty." Error hurried to add. "But I woul-d just rather be watch-in-g Undernovella rig-ht now."

Ink snorted, smiling now out of amusement. "You'd rather watch Undernovella than do literally anything."

"Because Undernov-ella is be-tter than ever-yt-hing els-e."

"Couldn't argue with that."

Sickly - An Errorink DrabbleWhere stories live. Discover now