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Grace Devino POV

There I was standing at the wall with my mother and father by my side ready to say goodbye for my 5th year at Hogwarts

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There I was standing at the wall with my mother and father by my side ready to say goodbye for my 5th year at Hogwarts. My apologies I'm Grace, Grace Delvino.

We walked at a quick Pace through the wall and made our way near the train my mother and father came to a halt and turned to me and embraced me at a tight hug even though they may not always know how to show it they do love me and care for me and certainly protect me from ANYTHING along with everyone else I knew in this world. That was always something I had to get use to was that I was one of the youngest in our year at Hogwarts and being a Bevino the most powerful rich pureblood family well that did not help. Even though I may be the youngest that certainly doesn't damage my academic side of life I was top of my classes in most except for Divination I mean I'm not bad at it at all I'm like 3 top of the class I just found it so boring and never found my grasp with it AT ALL probably because of my Friend's always trying to make me laugh.

I got brought out my thoughts by my mother ' right have you got everything you need' ' uh yes.... you know me mother I never forget anything' ' right darling it's time for you to go ok owl us tonight ok and if you have any issues let me know at I will get them sorted' father said in a strong powerful tone. They brought me into a tight hug again after a couple of seconds i wiggled my way out and giggling just like I use to when I was younger ' I'm going to miss my train I will see you at Christmas love you bye.' I walked of onto the the train on my way to find those cheeky gits that are my friends.

Draco's POV

I said my farewell to my parents and made my way shoving and pushing stupid 1st years out my way to make it to the slytherin carts and to my friends and Grace none of us have seen her over the summer her parents took her away and according to her she got taken to lots of balls for 'business matters' is what her father told her.

I had changed over the summer got a sharper jaw line and a great v line and my abs where more sharper. I had also grown quite a bit to.



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I found our group already in the carriage I walked it whilst shoving a year below out my way ' ay Draco how are you' Blaise said bring Draco into a hug 'yeh good how you been' ' you know the usual scouting girls god there where some fit ones'  Draco rolled his eyes at Blaise and saw Theo doing the same 'Theo' 'Draco' they both burst out into laughter as Daphne giggled as well as Blasie they brought them selves back into reality as they looked out the windows but Grace hasn't arrived yet 'Where's Grace' Theo said ' I just saw her saying goodbye to her mum and dad..... has anyone seen her this summer because every time I invited her she was busy' daphne complained'yeh she said the same to the rest of us as well I know mrs and mr Belvino took her to there mansion near the beach for a couple of weeks and then they had 'business' to attend to which Grace was invited to as well' Blasie replied 'yeh she said to me the amount of gowns she has know is crazy' Theo giggled along with Draco. 'She changed though' Daphne said smiling ' what do you mean' Draco enquired ' lest just say at the welcome party we are going to have to make sure no one does anything to her and I mean Boys by the way' the girl replied aiming it at all of them. The train wheels starting moving and Theo pointed out Mrs and Mr Devino staring at someone who had just stepped onto the train.

Grace's POV
I stepped onto the train and it started moving. I made my way looking for those idiots. I had to squeeze past lots of lost 1st years while I helped a select couple as well. I walked past as Cabin and hand on my waist Startled me slightly I turned round to become face to face with Miles Bletchley a 6th year Slytherin we had history together I mean he always flirts with me when where together which I don't mind because he is hot as fuck and he's nice to be even though we are both Slytherins. I came out my thoughts when he said 'Belvino is back for another year then' I lightly giggled 'you know Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without me' he laughed at my comment. 'so will you be attending the welcome party tonight in the room of requirements' 'I don't know yet see if I feel up to it' I smiled innocently 'well I hope you come...Do you want to sit with me and the boys' he asked nicely gesturing to the other Slytherin boys in the cart 'I would but we all know that the idiots that are my friends are waiting for me..pulse I really wanna catch up with them I haven't seen them all Summer so' 'ok well come back if you want' 'ok..bye' I smiled at the boys sat in the cabin they waved and laughed and I turned and went on my way to find the group.

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