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Graces POV

We started walking off to Hogsmead with his skateboard in his hand and my wand as a light in mine we started messing around just doing funny stuff while riding the skateboards. He taught me the basics I mean I knew it was a muggle thing but I never had anything against muggles I mean they grow to be equal as strong as some of the pureblood so really what difference is there. Even though I would never admit that to my parents in fear they would disown me because I know they love the whole blood purity thing.

We where at hogsmead know and all you could here was are giggling and a couple of sounds from the village it was dimly lit with lanterns hanging from wooden polls that someone no doubt lit early this evening. My hair messy mid wet hair blew in the wind as we where holding hands while riding our separate boards. We ended up stopping and sitting at a bench just outside the village in case of waking anyone up in a nearby house. 'Well now you know how to ride a skateboard' 'I know who would of thought' I replied laughing lightly. ' I don't know if I told you but you looked stunning early in the dress' I turned so I was looking at him and smiled in return of the compliment I just received from him. He then got some cigarettes out his bag and passed one to me and lit one for us both we sat there for what seemed like hours on end just laughing and having deep conversations I told him about how stressful I find it keeping up this whole family status and how I'm worried and what my future brings and he comforted me when I got to parts where I thought I would cry. We spoke about Miles love for Quidditch and how he wants to progress with that in the future instead of working at the ministry like I lot of people end up doing. We ended up walking back holding hands in a comfortable silence. Enjoying the view of Hogwarts getting bigger and bigger the closer we got.

We ended up stopping in the Cort yard and he grabbed me by my wrist and spun me round and started kissing me again as I equally kissed back as he slipped his tongue in and then backed up to a stone pillar for the second time tonight and picking me up and wrapping my legs round his waist. He carried on kissing me while putting a piece of my hair behind my ear. We where there for ages just taking the moment in I guess who knew slytherins could show so much.... compassion I guess you could say. It started to become slightly light but it still was dark. We knew we had been hours but we could give to shits about that.

We ended up making out down the corridor until we reached the the common room door where we stopped for a second and I quickly said 'pureblood' so are asses was granted. We walked in and he started walking up to the boys dorms while still holding me with my legs firmly wrapped around his torso and kissing me. We reached his door 'what about your Tyler' 'he gets up at 5:00am for Quidditch practice so he isn't in there' I was shocked who the hell would get up that early for bloody ga... then I thought of Draco and how he does and how pissed all my friends and him are going to be with me tomorrow but I was brought out my thoughts will Miles bringing me into his room and we both slipped our shoes of and he chucked me into the bed and I giggled and he got in and wrapped me into the covers and brought me into his chest so I was cuddling into him as we both drifted into a deep slumber.

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