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Draco's POV
We stared looking outside the room of requirements it had been about an hour and there was no sign of her we had checked everywhere and her room was empty to. I met back up with Blasie, Theo and Daphne and as I walked up to them 'anyone' 'no I can't find her anywhere' Theo replied and kicked the wall in frustration got my wand 'Lumos' I looked into the distance and wondered where she could be 'there's one more place she could be at that's his room so let's go look there and if no luck we gonna just have to wait for the morning' Daphne said in a hushed tone we all agreed and made our way to the Slytherin dorms we walked down the eerie corridors and reached one that said Miles & Tyler on the door we all looked at each other and Blaise ended up banging hard on the door with his fist we waited a minute until a boy who wasn't Miles came to the door 'what' 'I stormed into the dorm and looked everywhere and just saw a pile of her clothes near a side which I assumed to be Bletchley's because it hadn't been slept in her dress was there and her heels but she wants 'excuse me mate but what the fucking hell are you doing' I grabbed this dude by his shirt and pinned him to the wall with my wand at his neck and shouted 'where is he and so help you you fucking prick if you lie I with hex you so fucking hard' ' I don't know I came back and he wasn't here just some girls clothes' I stormed of out the room cursing under my breath and slammed the door shut. They all looked at me and realised she wasn't in there. We all stood there for a minute 'look I don't know where else she could be I say we going to have to wait till morning and then you can beat the living shit out of him but before then we are just going to wait' Daphne spoke strongly we all agreed and walked of to our dorms Daphne to the girls and Blaise and Theo to there's will I went to my private one.

I walked in swinging the door open and kicking it closed making an echoing slam that ringed down the corridors. I changed into some great sweatpants and got into bed. I laid there thinking of her thinking of what I could do to that dickhead with my fucking fist for ages. I finally fell asleep at about 1:00 am ish

 I finally fell asleep at about 1:00 am ish

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