Chapter 6

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Last time ash and Lillie were preparing to go back to the Galar region and explore some more and even catch some wild Pokémon. When they got there they were teleported to some where cold and they soon came across Peony and his daughter Peonia and soon after they met Peony challenged ash to a battle and won. However after the battle Peonia disappeared and this made peony worry as he wonders where as he calls his sweet Nia could have done off to. Now ash and Lillie are getting ready to help out peony and search for his daughter, let's see what they are doing now.

Right now ash and lillie are still sleeping and it looks like they are now just waking up. After the two woke up they then went and met up with Peony, but unaware of them they were being watched by a pokemon of sorts.

After they meet up with Peony he then tells them "I think you guys should check out the Max Lair. That was where she said she was heading to." Lillie then says "also before we go and head to the Max Lair are you sure that you would call her you 'sweet Nia?"

He then says "why of course! She's the nicest and sweetest daughter I could ever have!" This makes ash and lillie sweatdrop at this and they soon leave and go look for Peonia. While on the way the caught some new Pokémon, those being a Frosmoth, Audino, Abomasnow, Spiritomb, and even a Nidoking and Nidoqueen that is actually a couple.

After they made it to the max lair they then began looking for Peonia and after a while they began looking deeper in the lair until they heard a roar and they soon saw a G-Max Drednaw and it began to roar as a sign that it wants to battle. Ash then accepts and uses Melmetal and he then decides to Gigantamax and so he does just that. After Melmetal Gigantamaxes he then tells it "Now use G-max Meltdown!" And Melmetal then slams its arms onto the ground causing steel spikes to come out and hit Drednaw and this actually knocks it out in one hit and ash decides to catch it.

After throwing a pokeball at Drednaw and after three shakes it catches Drednaw and the two then cheer as they just caught a Drednaw. After they put its pokeball away they run into Peonia and she says "Hey ash, Lillie! Are you two also on Dynamax Adventures too? Thats so cool, but anyways what are you two doing here?" Lillie then says "Actually we were looking for you, because your father is actually worried about you." This then makes her groan as she says "really. My dad sent you to look for me?" The two then nodded as she then said "You know what fine I'll comeback to Freezington with you guys, but while we are on our way back can you tell me if you two caught any new Pokémon?" After they were on their way back they told Peonia all the Pokémon they caught even the Drednaw.

After they got back to Freezington they then head to her house and peony then came out and hugged her and this made her uncomfortable and this made ash and Lillie sweatdrop at this and made them thought that she would have been happier if they didn't bring her back to peony.

After an embarrassing dad moment ash and lillie then see a wooden piece of something and ash then asks Peony "Hey peony what is this wooden piece you have?" He then tells the two that the piece is actually the piece that belongs to the statue outside and he tells them that they can take it and put it back where it belongs.

And after they took the wooden piece and took it to the statue that was outside and after they put it back on suddenly a pokemon called for them and they heard the cry and followed it, eventually they came across a pokemon that had a really big head and it tried to talk to them by saying "" The two couldn't understand what he said until Peony came running over and said "Hey chiefs what's with all the racket?" He then noticed the pokemon and said "What a big noggin!" Until the pokemon then took control of Peony's body and started to talk saying "Human children I am pleased that you have restored my statue." This makes ash and lillie become shocked as Lillie then asks "wait are you the pokemon from the legends?!"

This makes the pokemon say "ah it looks like you do know who I am. My name is calyrex and I am the pokemon that once ruled this land you see before you." This surprises ash and lillie as ash then asks "but where is the Pokémon you are supposed to have by your side?" This makes him then say "ah you must be talking about my loyal steeds Spectrier and Glastrier."

Ash and Lillie then question this until Arceus appears in-front of them and this makes Calyrex say "Ah my lord. It is very nice to see you." He says as he bows to the Alpha Pokémon as Arceus then says "it is very nice to see you again Calyrex and I am aware that your steeds are gone so we will help you find them." Ash and Lillie then agree to help the king Pokemon look for his loyal steeds and restore him to his power. Ok

After that calyrex bided them farewell and let go of peony's body as he then woke up saying "huh what happened, where am I!?!?" Ash and Lillie sweatdrop at this and told them that he fell asleep and this makes him say "Huh sorry I fell asleep on you two." After they forgave him they then decided to go to the inn and head to sleep and get ready to help Calyrex tomorrow.

Meanwhile with the 'friends' they arrived in Galar and are now searching for ash and after they went through all of wedgehurst they then decide to go and get some sleep and so they head to a hotel and book their rooms and head to sleep and hope that tomorrow they will find ash and Lillie and hope that ash will forgive them for what they put him through.

Well that's about it for chapter 6 as usual let me know if there is anything that you would like to see in the next chapter but until then I will see you when I put out the next chapter bye bye!!! :)

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