Chapter 11

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Last time ash and Lillie decided that they were going to train with the ones that they forgave and while doing this they also decided to chat with one another and they soon started getting back together and while doing this ash and Lillie confronted the traitors and made sure that they never come back and after that they went about with their day. Now two years have passed and ash and Lillie have been so close together, now let's see what they are doing now after two years.

Two years have passed and ash and Lillie have been together for so long and while being together they never had any fights with each other and the same for Pikachu and Snowy. During this time they ran into the champions and ash forgave them and told them that's all in the past and this made them very happy. Now ash has forgiven everyone he knew about except for the traitors as team Rocket and all other evil team organizations are now forgotten thanks to ash.

Now ash and lillie are now walking through the island and they are having a good time when suddenly a certain trio came out and sent their pokemon to attack them and this surprises them as ash and lillie use Pikachu and Snowy to battle them as ash then says "Team Rocket! What are you doing here after Giovanni's death!?!?"

(Insert team Rocket motto here)

After the motto they then battle with James using Malamar and Jessie using Gourgeist while ash and Lillie use their partner's respectively, but for some strange reason Meowth doesn't want to battle as he's just casually laying by a tree but regardless they battled and James tells Malamar "Now use Psybeam!" And Jessie tells gourgeist "Use shadow ball!" And the two then send out attacks as ash and lillie tell their Pokémon to use thunderbolt and aurora beam (AN: yes alolan Vulpix can learn this move) and after the two moves hit this badly hurts the two as this makes James say "You're going to pay for what you did to Giovanni and we are going to eventually and revive team rocket to its glory!" This suddenly makes Meowth say "Why bother doing that?? Team Rocket was going to fail either way and from now on I'm on their side." Suddenly Wobbufet also agreed and this shocks them and the Pokémon as Jessie and James are heartbroken that Meowth and Wobbufet chose to be on ash and Lillie's side.

This gave ash and lillie a chance as ash and lillie then tell Pikachu and Snowy to use Thunderbolt and Powder Snow and after the moves hit this then sends the now duo blasting off as they say the thing they usually say "We're blasting off again!!!" And they soon disappear and this makes them relief as they turn to Meowth and Wobbufet and as Lillie then says "So are you really done with them and are on our side?" This then makes Meowth say "Yep cause those two idiots tried to revive team Rocket after you killed Giovanni and they tried their best to bring it back, but they had no luck." This then makes the two surprised as ash then takes out two pokeballs and catches the two with ease.

Ash then sends them out as this makes them very happy that the two are out of those pokeballs and this surprises ash and lillie as this reminds ash of how Pikachu doesn't like to be in his pokeball and the two then decide to relax. Then ash and Lillie decided to go back to the castle and relax and after they got back they then decide to head to the indoor pool and relax and after they changed into their swimwear ash was the first to get in as he held out his hand to Lillie. She then takes his hand as he pulls her into the pool while Lillie wraps her arms around his neck and ash wraps his around her waist.

While they were swimming lillie felt ash's heart beating at a quick pace and this makes her giggle and say "Ash you don't have to be so nervous." This makes ash blush more as he says "What are you talking about, I'm not nervous." This makes her smile as she says "that is another reason I love you. When you play dumb like that it makes you cute." She says as she leans in closer to Ash as he does the same and they soon have a passionate kiss and after they break the kiss Lillie then snuggles her head into ash's chest and says "I love you Ash Ketchum." As ash then said back as he smiled "I love you too Lillie Aether."

After the two got out and changed back to their regular clothes they then decided to go the Kanto region and see what's changed and also because ash wants to see his mother. Arceus then teleports them to the Kanto region and after they arrived they then see Pallet Town in their view and this makes ash smile a bit and they soon start to walk over to ash's house. After they arrived ash knocked on the door and after a few minutes ash's mother Delia opens the door. The second she sees ash she immediately hugs him and says "Ash I'm so sorry for what happens to you." Ash then returns the hug and says "it's alright mom, and besides that's all in the past now." This surprises her as she then cries and after ash calmed her down she noticed Lillie and said "Oh my goodness lillie! I'm very happy to see you again." Lillie then smiles and says "I'm also very happy to meet you again Ms. Ketchum."

After they went inside and sat down in the living room they started to talk about where they have been for the last two years and while talking ash and lillie tell about their relationship and this makes her very happy and surprised as he knew that ash used to be a dense boy, but not anymore and she's happy that her son now has a loving and caring girlfriend by his side. After they finished chatting they said goodbye and the two then decided to go and see Professor Oak, and after they got their they went inside and saw the Professor just doing some research on some Pokémon and after he sees ash and Lillie he is surprised and says "Why hello ash and Lillie. Why I must say that is has been so long since we last saw each other." After the two went inside and sat down they once again chatted with one another and after a while ash then tells him where he and Lillie were living and who was helping them.

This shocks the Professor as he then says "I don't believe this?! Arceus is helping you!?!?" Ash then explains everything and this surprises him but he soon remembers that ash's incident was now gone and that he was free from it now. After they finish chatting didn't say goodbye and what done with your day while the professor continued researching on Pokémon. After the two left Lillie then decided to tell ash that she wants to see how her mother and Gladion are doing and ash agrees and Arceus then teleports them to Aether Foundation. After they found Lusamine's office they went inside and saw both Lusamine and Gladion happily talking with each other while they were working. When the two then saw ash and Lillie they soon came over and lusamine then said "Ash, Lillie, I'm so happy to see you two again!" She then hugs Lillie as she returns the hug Gladion walks over and hugs his sister and after the two break the hug, Lusamine and Gladion both turn to ash and lusamine then says "Ash I'm very surprised that we're all here again after so long and both me and Gladion are very happy to see you as well." She says as ash says "I'm very happy to see you as well Ms. Lusamine, Gladion." The four then decided to sit down and chat with each other and after ash and lillie Tell them everything that they did throughout the last two years the surprises them but they are happy that you are in a happy relationship and they have never gotten into any fights.

After they finish talking with each other ash and lillie actually decide that they are going to stay at Aether Foundation and stay for a few days before going back And this surprises Lusamine in Gladion but this overall makes them happy that they are deciding to stay for a few days so they all went to the rooms they're staying in and they all went to sleep with Ash and Lillie falling asleep in each others arms.

Well that about wraps up chapter 11 and like I usually say let me know what you'd like to see in the next chapter but until then I will see you when I put out the next chapter bye-bye!!! :)

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