8. 3 Heads are better...wait no they're not

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Walking into Potions (Y/N) sat down by Hermione. The Potions room itself was dimly lit and had all sorts of ingredients and things (Y/N) didn't really know.


In walked a man who (Y/N) guessed to be Professor Snape.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you-"

So our Potions Professor is an arrogant and condescending arsehole. Great this is just what I needed to be cheered up. Is there any good professors in this school? Actually Flitwick is pretty cool.

(Y/N) was broken out of these thoughts when he heard a stool being dragged across the floor. That's when he saw Snape staring down Harry.

Hermione's POV

She felt like her arm was going to pop out of its socket, Harry couldn't answer any of the questions Snape asked but she could. "Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything is it Mr Potter." She didn't like how Snape was talking to Harry, she wanted to show how intelligent she was but also help Harry out of this embarrassing situation.

"Clearly. Hermione knows!"

Oh Harry you idiot you've just made it worse.

"Put your hand down girl." Snape dragged a stool to Harry and was about to speak when...

"Kiss *clap* kiss *clap* kiss *clap*."

Turning her head, like everyone else in the room, she saw (Y/N) with a stupid smile on his face. She quickly prodded him on the stomach to signal him to be quiet but it didn't work. "Ow, Hermione what's the problem? If they did Snape would probably get fired."

Now's not the time for those types of jokes

"(Y/N) I presume...word has traveled fast about your little fight with Professor McGonagall. If you think about trying those kinds of shenanigans with me, you'll be in for a nasty surprise." Snape was now glaring at (Y/N) completely forgetting about Harry.

(Y/N) if this was your plan all along, you are an idiot.

"You girl." Snape now looked at Hermione with a devilish grin. "Uhm yes professor." His grin almost broke out into a crazed smile "Ask      (L/N) the questions I have asked Potter." Hermione knew this was a ploy to embarrass all three of them, she just hoped (Y/N) was a good at potions as every other lesson.

"Yeah go on 'Mione. I wasn't listening to the guy at all, and I'm wondering what the questions are now."

This is not the time for nicknames you idiot!

"What would you get if you added Powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?" (Y/N) looked to be in thought for a split second, then answered. "You'd get a sleeping potion so powerful it is referred to as the Draught of Living Dead. To be honest 'Living Dead' sounds like old people in a care home." This earned a few laughs from people in the class. Hermione smiled but not because of his joke, she smiled because he knew the answers.

"Where would you look if asked to look for a bezoar?" (Y/N) answered once again in under a second. "A bezoar itself is a stone harvested from the stomach of a goat. It can save you from most poisons, the keyword being most.
As for where to find it in this class? Snape would need to do some serious dusting before I could see into the jars in here." He once again got a few laughs from the class.

"What is the difference from Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" (Y/N) didn't answer instantly this time and instead smiled. "They are both from the same plant, and that plant goes by the name of Aconite...I've got to admit sir you know how to make some pretty hard questions I can see why you're the potions teacher."

The Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger X Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now