9. Trolls and Goals

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(Y/N)'s detention was difficult but he completed it nonetheless. McGonagall had expected him to fail multiple times and that meant she could keep him in her class for as long as possible. However (Y/N) had successfully transfigured the needles to matchsticks, then to needles and then back to matchsticks in just over an hour.

He left the classroom with his arm in agony, with every transfiguration his arm jolted with pain. Deciding to go to the Hospital Wing (Y/N) set off. He had walked past many people but none managed to grasp his attention like Lavender Brown, standing in the doorframe of a bathroom. "Hermione please, after you feel better come down to the feast."

She began to fully leave the bathroom but was stopped by (Y/N). "Is Hermione all right? She's not sick or anything is she?" Lavender gave him a look of surprise but spoke anyway. "Hermione's been crying in the bathroom for awhile now. Where have you been (Y/N)? I'm surprised you didn't hear." (Y/N) didn't have a clue what she was on about. "Hear what?" Lavender gave him another look of surprise "Well Ron insulted Hermione and she really took it to heart. Like I said I'm surprised, you're usually always with Hermione."

(Y/N) thanked Lavender and quickly searched the castle until he saw the black and the ginger hair down the corridor. (Y/N) yelled with rage in his voice. "Oi Ron! You scruffy githead!" The ginger turned round, finding himself being quickly lifted of his feet by the scruff of his collar and pushed into the nearby wall. "What in the hell did you say her?" An icy cold seemed to emanate from (Y/N) and it terrified Ron. "What in the bloody hell are you on about?" (Y/N) pulled Ron back and pushed him back into the wall harder. "Hermione, what did you say to her?" Ron quickly realised why (Y/N) was acting like this and tried to lie his way out of it.

"I haven't seen Hermione since the end of Charms!" Rage leaped out from (Y/N)'s throat "Tell me now Weasley or I'll break your spine against this wall!" Ron began to plead "All right, ALL RIGHT!" Ron had quickly revealed the truth. "I couldn't stand her being so smug and bossy. All I said was she had no friends and to be honest (Y/N) she doesn't because of her attitude. I was only saying the truth!" (Y/N) couldn't contain himself anymore and threw Ron to the ground in anger.

Harry's POV


Harry was frozen in fear throughout this entire interaction but it wasn't until these last few words had he moved. A sharp ring had filled his head and almost cause him to fall to the floor in pain.

Ow my head! What's happening!?

The ring had began to fade as (Y/N) began to walk away. Harry went to Ron and began to pull him up "Why in the hell does he like her so much and what in the hell was that ringing?" Harry could do nothing but shake his head "Who knows. Do you want to head to the Great Hall, I heard a few upper years talking about how great it is." Ron perked up almost instantly "Oh yeah my brothers have told me about it, the food is meant to be amazing?"

Harry had not seen (Y/N) or Hermione at the feast, and he couldn't help but feel full of guilt and regret. Ron was happily eating away and seemed to forget about Hermione and their interaction with (Y/N) and this annoyed him. Harry was just about to speak when...


"Troll in the dungeon. TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" Professor Quirrel burst into the Great Hall, and upon hearing his words the staff table all rose. "Thought you'd want to know." He collapsed to the floor and then all hell broke loose. It wasn't until Dumbledore yelled "SILENCE!" that the Hall became quiet.

Both Harry and Ron looked to each other and exchanged a look that translated into,"Hermione AND (Y/N)!"

(Y/N)'s POV

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