Meeting Mira

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Mira POV

I really couldn't believe that Troy would date someone else ..I mean we were friends back then at college.really close friends...
I was in love with him and I actually did confess my feelings to him but what did he do? he told me bluntly that he was not interested in being in a relationship.
I smiled and acted like it was no big deal but deep inside me I was really hurt and still waited for him in secret.....
I am also brilliant but not as brilliant as Troy and also a little bit older than him.I was a lecturer at Donalds university but as soon as the pictures of Troy and his mystery girlfriend surfaced online, I had to call my dad to process my transfer to Eagles college.............
You might be wondering how I was able to process my transfer ,smile, I will tell you. My dad was once a president and yes , I am the daughter to the ex- president and you know he has lot of connections which I can use to my advantage....
I got to Eagles college and was soon rushing to my office when I bumped into two girls and later found out one of them was my rival and i must admit she is really pretty ......I was clearly angry but I managed to hide it with a smile.
I stepped into the class and she was already seated with her friends ..
they whispered as they stared at me, I know they must be surprised .
I started lecturing and couldn't help glancing towards her ,she was really pretty and i was jealous of her .....
After the lecture, I walked out of the class heading to my office but later changed my mind and headed to Troy's office instead....

Troy POV
Sitting in my office , I was trying to arrange some files ....
I was excited about the date with Efua and smiled knowing she is mine .....
Just then I heard a knock and without waiting for my reply , the person walked in
Mira! I called in surprise and then stand up to hug her
we used to be very close in college and I was happy to see her ...
I disengaged from the hug and sat back on my seat
have you seat . I offered her a seat and she did, she look pretty as always....
You look more handsome Troy! She remarked and you look more pretty! I replied and she blushed
So why did you leave Donalds for here?I asked and she shrugged
Nothing! I just felt like changing environment and also be close to you. She answered
Close to me! I repeated raising an eyebrow and she nodded
I studied her for a while and she look kind of uneasy but I decided to wave it off..
So Any plans today? She asked, you know we can just hang around to catch on with old times .
That won't be possible!  I retorted
But why?
I am going on a date with my girlfriend. I answered
Efua right ?she asked and I nodded
Oh right!how news circulate ..
That is great! She remarked and without waiting for my response, she stood up and left the office....

Oops! Hope Efua is save?

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