The kiss 💋 and confession😍

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Troy!!I called in and I saw his eyes widened in surprise
Hope you ain't stalking me? he asked but I ignored his questions and walk up to him..
And without thinking, I held his hands and stared into his face .....
he tried to say something but no sound came out ...
Jeez! how can a guy be this cute! I just wanted to kiss him!
I raised my legs up since he is taller and placed my lips on his and he scoffed
What are you doing?he asked and I quickly composed my self,  I felt like and an idiot
I em er was just . I stuttered not knowing what to say and was about walking away when he pulled me towards him ......
Do you love me? he asked and I swallow hard
Do you! he repeated softly and I heaved a sigh
Yes I ..... he kissed me before I could finish my statement..
My eyes widen in surprise and then I kissed him back......
We stayed like that for a long time then he broke the kiss.
I looked down shyly but he raised my head and caress my face then hugged me .
  I like you too Efua .he said softly and I grinned like an idiot
  Thanks sir. I said excitedly and he chuckled
Troy, just call me Troy. he corrected and I nodded
So Will you be my girlfriend?he suddenly asked and I gasped in shock, I wasn't expecting this at all....
Me? Why me? I managed to ask and he shrugged
I don't know , just want you to be beside me, I am having this strange which I feeling I don't want it to sorry if I am too forward but I am attracted to you , only you , i don't know why but my heart race only for you. he paused to stare at my face and then continued
I don't know how to explain it to you because it is my first time feeling this way .....
His first!New feelings!What is he trying to say haven't he dated before !i don't think I understand this
How am I your first? I asked calmly and he smiled
you are the first person I am asking out, the first person I really want to own.he explained
Oh! girls would have throw themselves at him so does not need to love to have them , I must be very lucky then he have feeling for me.I thought within and then I said
Yes! he repeated and I nodded
I will be your girlfriend. I blurted out and he smiled
hugging me tightly , I felt his excitement as he kept on saying mine mine mine mine.........

Troy P O V
I knew she was surprise when I told her she was my first...
  I kept on thinking about her and was excited coming to class knowing she will be present.
getting to the class , I overheard ladies Saying cool things about me but I was only interested in seeing one person , My Efua...what! did I just call her my Efua!
I really want to make her mine but I really don't think I will fit at all... I mean she is so pretty and am very sure lot of guys will be hovering around her..
I searched throughthe faces of ladies drooling over me for her and I smirked when I saw her drooling also.
her Long black hair, Her bright crystal blue eyes attracted me and I was lost staring and only looked away when I heard the murmuring from the students.
I started teaching and occasionally glanced towards her and smiled knowing she was trying hard to concentrate.
I rounded up the class and headed for the rooftop so you should know , I spend most of my free time there since it is usually quiet .........
I stayed there thinking about her when I heard foot step ...
Turning back , I came face to face with my charming princess ...........:

She walk towards me, held my hands.
I was surprised and just watched her.
And to my surprise, she raised her legs and planted her lips on mine.i was speechless and confused at the same time....
Did she love me! Why did she kiss me! I wondered , I decided to ask her the same question and when I did , her answer was a yes......
Placing my lips on her soft lips , she kiss me back deep ....
I smiled inwardly....
And on breaking the kiss, I asked her to be my girlfriend...
She widened her eyes in shock
Me? Why me ? She asked and I explained how I felt to her....
And when I told her she was my friend, she seems to be lost in thought.....
What is she thinking about? I wondered.....
How am I your first ? She suddenly asked and I sighed
You are the first person I want to own .I told her and before I knew it , she said yes
Yes? I repeated not understanding what she meant ...
Yes I will be your girlfriend. she said and I smiled
I wanted her and she became mine
I hugged her and kept on repeating mine mine mine.......

Wow, they are finally a couple

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