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                Efua POV
Staring at the mirror, i nodded in satisfaction, knowing I was looking so beautiful...
  It was a Thursday night and Troy dad invited us to a dinner party....
Efua, we are running late . Troy announced from downstairs
  I am coming . I answered with a raised voice and then  checked myself out again
putting on a silver heels, I grabbed my purse and rushed downstairs
  you look so beautiful ! Troy remarked on seeing me and I blushed
  You look handsome also. I told him and he smirked
  I am always handsome . He boasted and I rolled my eyes
Though, I must admit he looked so hot in his all black outfit
  Come on! Let us go . He said and we both headed out......

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  The Denmark's mansion was really huge but not as huge as Troy's
  There were lot of people and Seeing the way they were dressed , I knew for sure they were all dignitaries .....
  Troy held my hands as we walked up to his dad..
  hi dad! Troy greeted, giving him a side hug
  Hi son! his dad responded and then faced me ...
Wow! I can see why my son thinks of nothing but you! he remarked and I smiled shyly
Hi sir ! I greeted and to my surprise , he pulled to  himself and gave me a warm embrace
  Enjoy the party dear!
Pulling out the hug , he walked away to greet his guests..

   Half way through the party , Troy left my side to go greet some of his college friends..
  Oh yeah! I am all bored..
   I looked around  the huge sitting room and my gaze landed on Troy
   At last! Someone I know
I walked up to him and on seeing me , he smiled
  Hello Efua ! he greeted first, seizing me up
  Hi Tony!
   Wow! I can see my brother is really taking care of you. he complimented and I smiled lightly, hearing him call Troy brother ....
Sure I am taking care of her. Troy answered from right behind me and I looked in his direction wondering when he got there .....
  he flashed me a smile and then faced Tony
Hey! he greeted Tony who just nodded
  There was an awkward silence between them and Troy broke it with a chuckle
  Come here bro! He said, stretching his hands wider and they both hugged
  I watched them happily, glad that they finally got along .....
  Just then,  a beautiful lady walked up to us and I saw Troy eyes widened in surprise
You are? He asked her
  Roxanne. The lady answered with a large grin
Wow! So Roxanne what are you doing here?Troy continued
  I came here with my dad. She answered, pointing at a man on white
  Oh!!you mean the ceo of Adnard company is your dad . Troy asked in surprise and she nodded
  I stared at them confusedly wondering who she was  when Troy turned to face me
  This is Roxanne , the lady that was used as an exchange during the kidnap. He informed and I exclaimed softly
  Oh! Roxanne, I am sorry for what you have to go through . I apologised and she smiled
it is nothing, I am really glad you are safe .she assured then turned to face Tony who had staring at her all through.....
  And you must be Troy's brother, You both look alike
  Tony nodded still staring at her, It was obvious he was attracted to her
Hum ! Hum! We need to go see dad. Troy informed ,  signalling at me and we both left
  I laughed at soon we were out of sight
They are so into each other . I blurted out and Troy joined me in laughing.......

  It was really late when we got back home, the party was so much fun and we had a lot to eat..
  Returning to the room, i joined Troy on the bed..
   He pulled me close as he cuddled me and we stayed like that till we both fell asleep........

              Troy PoV
The next day at school, I sat down in my office doing some research when I heard a knock
  Come in. I answered
The door creaked opened and Mira walked in
Hi! I greeted and without answering me , she moved closer and sat on my desk
    I shot her a surprised look
  Troy! She called softly and I knitted my eyebrow, wondering what she is up to ....
  what if I tell you I am ready to give you all of myself, will you leave your so called girlfriend and come to me? She asked with a seductive smile and I widened my eyes in shock
What are you saying? I asked to be sure I heard right but she didn't respond instead , She began unbuttoning her top slowly
  I am the ex president daughter, I can give you the world . She said licking her lips
what has come over you Mira? I asked still in shock
  I know you love me, but you are probably shy or feeling inferior and that is why I let go of my pride to come to you. She continued
  But Mira, you are my friend and  .... I tried to explain but she cut me off
Fuck friendship! She yelled like a crazy woman and I stood up in a huff
She was about pulling off her top completely when I caught her hands
  stop this rubbish! You are behaving like a whore. I retorted angrily and she froze
  A whore. She muttered
Yes, a whore. I repeated and then continued,
  let me get something straight to you ! I can never ever love you , I feel nothing for you ... I mean how can you say I feel inferior when you are nothing near my taste. I fired at her and she touched her chest in disbelief
  is it because of that slut Efua ? She asked and I gritted my teeth in anger
  Did you just say Slut! No way ! She is a woman you can never be, how can you even compare yourself to her?you know what Mira you are so pathetic and that is why no man will ever fight over you ........
  What! She exclaimed in shock and I shook my head in disgust
  She stared at me for a while and I swear, I saw the hatred In her eyes
  It was so raw and deep
And without saying anything more , she got off from my desk and stormed out of my office in anger......
God save her I don't beat women, if not I would have beaten the hell out of you....,
What the hell!

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  Hmmm this Mira of a lady is something else ....


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