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'You know that I came here without going to see my friends right?' Zareena grumbled not hesitant to glare at the doctor.

Though she had to admit, he was good looking for his age with brown almost blond hair and perfectly tan skin which made his electric blue eyes more prominent.

'You have friends?' Asked Dr. Cowan. She hates him. He takes everything positively and was way too optimistic, even for a psychiatrist. It creeped her out sometimes. 'Lets hear about them after the usual questions.'

The doctor took a note pad from his drawer and came to sit next to Zareena's couch like always.

'How are you feeling today?'

She considered about whether she was going to open up or not. It was a little difficult to ignore old habits. She took a deep breath and thought about a best way to put her thoughts into words.

'I was tired in the morning but I was fine after I went to school.'

'What is the reason you were tired?'

She let out a sigh. There was no stopping the inevitable.

'I didn't took my antidepressants and because of that I was up all night.....thinking.'

'What were you thinking?'

No. She couldn't tell anyone what she was thinking. At least not now. She was happy now, partly because she took three pills and partly because of Conner's friends.

'Technically, they are not my friends.' She accepted sheepishly. 'They are Conner's friends and he is my friend so, they are my friends too. If you get what I mean.'

'That's okay. Do you like them? What are their names?'

Usually, she wouldn't answer his questions. But, today was an exception. She was too happy today because, she had made some real friends and those real friends had invited her to a real hang-out! She wanted to tell that to someone. She wanted to put it out into the universe or she was afraid that it might not be true if she didn't.

'Steph is weird but, she and I share the same interests so we became friends immediately. There is Dylan. Cute boy. Totally obsessed with football. He's the quarterback and the captain of our schools football team. He's eighteen but, stays with us because Dylan and James are like this.' She clasped her hand and intertwined her two index fingers, ' He's nothing like the typical joke football captain we see in movies. I'm really gonna miss him when he goes off to collage though. Amy doesn't like me though. I don't really care. I mean, I can't change the way other people think.'


She went silent and for the first time her thoughts were silent as well.


'Yeah.' She shook her head as if to shake some thoughts into it. Which she never thought she would ever do. 'His first name is James. He is a different story. he's so nice and I....this is gonna sound selfish....but I really want him as my best friend. I really hate hiding stuff from him because he's always nice to me and tries to help me.'

'Hide what stuff Zareena?'

That would have made her angry. "That's none of your business" she would have snapped. But, today she wanted him to know what she was facing. Now, she accepted his help.

'I've already lied to him about the accident.' The inferno was reduced to a glowing splinter nowadays. It was mainly because of James. At first, seeing James made her want to throe-up from the overwhelming thoughts. But now, James was the only person who could calm her mind. She didn't know how it happened to when but gradually he became the only thought in her mind. And that helped her to move on with her life than she thought it would be. 'I told him that my parents died instead of Arden and I don't know what'll I do if he get's to know what I did and what happened to me. He'll think me as a freak too!' she so much did as squeak the last words out.

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