3 | Crazy

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So, it's been confirmed by Wilbur that everyone has 3 lives in the canon. With
Techno executing Tubbo upon the orders
of Schlatt, Tubbo only has 2 lives left.


“You fucking killed him, Techno!”

When Technoblade walked in, Tommy didn't hesitate to rush at him and aimed a punch on his face. The latter was able to avoid the punch, then glared at the younger. Niki was just there, watching them as she cleans Tubbo's wound.

“Wilbur! Why did you let him kill Tubbo?! I could've gone there and stop him if you let me!” Tommy exclaimed. Wilbur stared at Tubbo nonchalantly, then stared back at Tommy. He definitely didn't care when Tubbo got killed— Niki saw it in his eyes. Her heart stinged. She looked away from him and leaned his attention to the injured kid.

“I killed Schlatt too, to be fair.” Techno replied, putting his firework-loaded crossbow on top of the furnaces. “I didn't only kill Tubbo.” He said and sat down on the cobblestone stairs.

Wilbur started laughing weirdly. The listening girl furrowed her eyebrows, and so as Tubbo too. “What's funny?” He asked to the mad man. Wilbur sighed and grinned. “This is— this isn't exactly how I want it to be, but this time, Manburg— Manburg's safe. I will not blow it up because obviously, the button was destroyed by someone—”

Niki stepped in to hear him clearly. “W-what? You were…?” She asked in her low voice. He turned his head on her. “Ah! Sorry Niki, you missed that part— I was going to blow up Manburg— I was going to completely destroy it like a huge fireball,” he casually answered, as if it wasn't a big deal at all. As if L'Manburg used to be his nation before.

She worriedly looked at Tommy, and he just lowered his head, feeling sorry for Wilbur. “Fuck you for killing Tubbo, Techno.” He vulgarly said. Wilbur clapped his hands excitedly and laughed. “Look how mad he is, Techno, look!” He said, pointing at the kid's eyes. The kid released his sword, ready to fight.

“Techno have done something wrong. You should punish him or something— take away his armor for a while and such.” Tubbo suggested. Wilbur shook his head and smiled. “We're going to take this in the pit. If Tommy wins, I'll do what you said.” Wilbur replied and walked towards a vacant space.

Wilbur was clearly gaslighting the situation. He was trying to make Tommy angrier so he could go to the limit. Niki was the witness of it. Thankfully, Tommy didn't go too violent— he lived on his one goal, to reclaim L'Manburg without blowing it up.

Techno and Tommy fought in the pit that Wilbur mined. Tommy tried so hard to defeat Techno but he failed. The latter is a blood god, no one could ever defeat him. He's the most powerful person in the whole nation, what do you expect?

“We could've just talked to Schlatt about it, not violence,” Tommy muttered, looking at Tubbo who has a cast on his arm. He wiped the blood on his lips with his fist, standing up, accepting the defeat. “You still killed Tubbo in front of everyone because of peer pressure,” he protested.

“It stays in the pit, Tommy.”

Tommy sighed. “It wasn't even in the fucking pit! This isn't about the pit, we haven't even fucking resolved that conflict!” He screamed on top of his lungs.

“Tommy, the thing is you're using words, but the thing of this world Tommy is the only universal language is violence. We've had that conversation. We've spoken that language. In this pit. It's over, Tommy. You can't do anything about it. We're onto a new day, a new plot to destroy Manburg.” He said, wearing his armor. He let out an evil laugh as he walked up to the surface.

The only ones left in the ravine was the three of them— Tubbo, Tommy and Niki. The persons who want L'Manburg back in one piece. The persons who really cared about their nation.

“Wilbur's gone crazy, Niki.” Tommy said and sat down on the chests. Niki looked emotionless, trying so hard not to be affected to the fact that Wilbur has gone insane. “He's gone fucking crazy,” he added as he dug through his chest, getting a music disc. Tubbo seemed to get what will they do, so he also brought out the jukebox.

“We need L'Manburg back,” That was the only thing Niki managed to say. She heaved a sigh and buried her face in her hands. The boys just went silent and played the disc.

They have to find another options on how to reclaim their nation without blowing it up.

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