A bit more Pt. 3

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CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"

Rey stood handcuffed as she watched the elevator's door closing.
She pulled at the cuffs in opposite directions with her arms to test their resistance: they were unaffected by her actions, but she didn't really care.
She was the one who had willingly come there, after all. They needed to talk, without the Force (or Jedi with terrible timing) interrupting them.
"You don't have to do this." She said, turning around to face him, who was staring at the Skywalker lightsaber, finally in his grasp.
"I feel the conflict within you, it's tearing you apart."
"Ben." He raised his eyes at the sound of his real name spoken by her, and noticed that she had gotten visibly closer. "When we touched hands I saw the future. Just a shape of it, but..."
She hesitated. How much did she want to say about her vision? How would he have felt if she told him what she had seen?
She took a deep breath, and looked at him, his eyes showing a bit of curiosity regarding her indecision.
"I saw our future."

It took him a second to realise the full meaning of her sentence, and when he did, he just widened his eyes a bit and said: "Oh."
It was barely audible; the tone wasn't disappointed nor angry: it was simply slightly surprised.
Rey looked away in embarrassment, then continued.
"You will not now before Snoke: you will turn!" Her voice got lower. "I'll help you... I saw it."
He moved so that there was almost no space between them. She tried to hide her blush; little did she know, he was trying to do so, too.
"I saw something, too. And because of what I saw, I know that I'm not the only one with the potential to turn."
They just stared at each other.
"Rey, I saw who your parents are."
She felt shocked, and surely he could feel it, if he hadn't noticed already by the look on her face.

She calmed herself down: they would have talked about this later on, but, objectively, there were more pressing matters at hand. He had said that they both had the potential to turn, that meant that he acknowledged that he could come back to the Light, right?
"Ben... there is no need for a fight between us."
He sighed. "I know."
Before she could say anything else, he captured her lips in a sweet kiss: it lasted a mere second, then he pulled away, but they had both sensed the intensity of the moment, the bond they shared only making it stronger.
"But there's something I have to do... and I finally have the strength to do it." He said, still so close to her that she could feel his breath on her lips.
He backed away, just as the elevator's door opened.

She turned around, and felt his hand on her back pushing her forward lightly; they started walking towards the throne with the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Sonke, sitting on it, a disgusting smirk resting on his misshaped face. Kylo went down on his knee.
"Well done, my good and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored."
She forced herself to stop thinking about what had happened in the elevator and shielded her thoughts from the creature in front of her.
She focused, and felt the Force surrounding her mind, while she kept staring at Snoke with scorn.
"Young Rey. Welcome."
She din't talk, nor moved. She heard the handcuffs beeping, they oplened and fell to the floor. She moved her sore wrists, never getting her eyes off Snoke's.
"Come closer, child." She didn't obey.
"So much strength. Darkness rises, and Light to meet it." He continued, moving his hands up at the words "Darkness" and "Light" to mimic the concept, then joined them at the end of the sentence.
"I warned my young apprentice that, as he grew stronger, his equal in the Light would rise."
Luke's saber slipped from Kylo's hand and flew to Snoke's.
"Skywalker, I assumed," he chuckled.
"Wrongly. Closer, I said."
No matter her opposition, she was dragged towards him with the Force, the tip of her shoes rubbing on the floor.
"You underestimate Skywalker." She paused.
"And Ben Solo." She paused again, confident.
"And me. It will be your downfall."
Snoke faked surprise. "Oh. Have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice? That's why you came."
He laughed. "Young fool: it was I who bridged your minds. I stoked Ren's conflicted soul. I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you. And you were not wise enough to resist the bait."
She was already in front of him, but the Force pulled her even closer, he rose his hand to meet the side of her face, and his tone became menacing.
"And now, you will give me Skywalker."
Their closeness gave her nausea. She breathed heavily.
"Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke."
He pulled his hand away, then pushed her away in mid hair, and started searching for her thoughts.
"Give me everything."

"No! No!"
She felt pain run all over her body; it felt like her spinal cord was being torn apart, her vertebrae pulled away from each other, the agony vibrating through her mind.
She screamed her lungs out, her throat feeling sore after a few seconds.
She tried to block him out, pointlessly: he could see everything. Part of her was just hoping he wouldn't see what had happened in the elevator.
Snoke dropped her on the floor. She groaned in pain, and the Supreme Leader laughed, now fully conscious of Skywalker's whereabouts, and probably much more.
"Well, well, I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise. We will give him and the Jedi Order the death he desires."
Rey kept herself upright with her arms. She just stared at him, fear and rage in her eyes, her mind still too painful to function properly.
"After the Rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island."
She let her instincts guide her body for a second; determined, she rose on her feet and stretched her arm towards the lightsaber that flew towards her, but, much to her surprise, it went past her hand, turned around and hit the back of her head, then went back to the throne's armrest.
"Such spunk. Look here now."
She struggled as the Force started pulling on her again, this time dragging her to a magnifier. She could see the Resistance's fleet being destroyed, one ship at a time.
How was she allowing this? Her friends were there, they were her family!
"The entire Resistance on those transports... soon they will all be gone. For you, all is lost."
She quickly turned around, and used the Force to take Kylo's saber and ignite it, its instability unfamiliar, though she couldn't really stop and study its structure.
The red-dressed guards pointed their weapons at her, ready to fight.
"Ooh." Said the Supreme Leader. "And still that fiery spit of hope. You have the spirit of a true Jedi!"
She marched towards him, ready to strike, but, with a swift move of his finger, she was thrown away, her back hitting the floor and the now turned off saber sliding till it reached its owner.

"And because of that, you must die." He forced her on her knees and turned her to face his 'apprentice'.
"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader."
Kylo's determined stare didn't leave his so called Master.
"Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve."
It shifted to look at Rey.
"Where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training, and fulfill your destiny."
Kylo's hand went to reach for his lightsaber, still on the floor; he stood up and said: "I know what I have to do."
Rey breathed heavily, fear taking over her features. Was he going to kill her? After everything that had happened? She didn't know what to think anymore, but, deep down, she still had faith in him.
"Ben." She whispered.
Snoke laughed in scorn. "You think you can turn him? Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten."
Kylo's eyes never leaved hers.
"I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes."
Snoke closed his eyes.
Kylo moved his saber in an... extremely mechanical way, she noticed, his other hand moving slightly.
"I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true." The saber pointed to her heart; tears streamed down her face.
"And now, foolish child, he ignites it,"
Get ready. She heard in her head, and stared at him in shock.
"And kills his true enemy!"
Kylo's fingers moved, and she heard a saber ignite, yet felt no pain. She was dropped on the floor, from where she could see Snoke staring at the blue saber that pierced through him.
Said saber flew away towards her, and she grabbed it as half of Snoke's body fell on the ground.
She got up and stared at Ben in awe for a second. He activated his lightsaber, and they turned back to back, ready to fight the guards.

That's... a lot of words. Oh, well. I had in mind to only write about the elevator then skipping to the fight on the next chapter, but it had ended up being too short, so I stretched it till here.
Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this one.
See you next time.
Remember: there's no Dark Side, nor a Light Side, there is only the Force!

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