A bit more Pt. 4 (Final Part)

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CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"

They started deflecting the many strikes coming from the Guards' weapons: they all had different ones, but neither of them was paying much attention to the details as they pushed their enemies back.
Even though they had fought each other before, they didn't know each other's fighting style too well, so they let the Force help them fill the gaps of their inexpert fighting.
Ben felt the familiar vibration of his saber run through his body as he fought three of the guards, who were attacking him in turn.
He let his emotions flow through him, his heart pounding in his chest and echoing in his head; normally, he would let his fury guide him, yet this time, he wasn't. He fought with resolve, fueled by his will to protect the young Jedi whose back was facing his. Both the Force and a corner of his mind were telling him that she was fighting the same way—to protect him.

Rey deflected the first attack coming from a guard, then a second, a third, a fourth and kept going until she turned around, sensing an attack coming from behind her; her saber pierced through the guard's front armor and probably through a part of their abdomen, too.
Her hand moved quickly to block another strike, and she leaned against her ally's back putting a hand on his thigh to avoid losing her balance, then pushed herself back up.

The two Force-sensitives ran to opposite sides of the room, the young raven haired man striking deadly blows with his saber, trying to end the guards' lives. The first guard blocked his attack, but their weapon soon got misdirected by their adversary, who punched them in the face right after and started charging someone else.
In the meantime, Rey was struggling to get herself out of her opponent's grasp, their electro-chained whip wrapped around her saber and their hand wrapped around her throat. The young girl grunted and used the Guard's firm grip on their weapon as a pin to free herself from their grasp and cut their arm off; the whip got thrown onto the wall as the guard fell on the ground.
One more guard faced the young Jedi, wielding a vibro-arbir blade. They split it and got on guard, and so did Rey. She spun her saber and attacked.

Ben was making an effort to block two guards' spears, who kept pushing him towards a wall; he planted his foot firmly on the floor and spun his lightsaber, shoving the guards aside and stabbing a third one. He tossed their body and got on guard, slowly spinning, looking at his opponents. His gaze fixed on Rey for a couple of seconds: she was deflecting another guard's attacks. She wasn't an expert in fighting, but there was something, something that he couldn't quite wrap his head around, that made his brain say one simple word right before he went back facing his enemies. Beautiful.
He managed to keep them distant, decapitated one of them, and stole another's weapon. He confronted one more guard with both the spear and his saber, blocking them with one and slaying them with the other. Suddenly, he had to stumble backwards to dodge an attack, and was forced to leave his weapons behind.
He grabbed the Praetorian guard's spear in attempt to block it, but they turned around and tried to choke him with it.
He grunted, unable to move.

Rey was in a quite similar situation, the blade getting more and more close to her face, the hand holding her weapon blocked. She had to think fast.
She dropped the ancient saber and quickly slid down to grab it. She could almost feel the Force flowing through her, filling her veins, guiding her; maybe it was just adrenaline, but it was helpful nonetheless. With a swift move, the guard's life was ended.

She turned around and saw the boy she felt such a strong connection with being held against a guard, struggling to break free.
"Ben!" She yelled his name, turned her saber off and threw it at him, who grabbed it and turned it back on, the blade piercing through the guard's head.
He pushed the corpse away and stood up, tossing the spear aside.

They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, but the silence was soon interrupted by Rey's anxious words.
"The fleet." She paced through the room and got near the window, pointing at her allies' ships. "Order them to stop firing. There's still time to save the fleet."
Ben stood there, panting, his eyes fixed on his master's dead body. She felt fear and doubt creep inside her mind. He couldn't betray her. Not after all of that.
The young man slowly brought his hand to grab something in his pocket, and pulled out a device; he clicked a button on it and started speaking with a barely audible voice. "Stop firing."
Rey released a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"What?" She heard someone respond.
"It's an order from the Supreme Leader, he says it's part of the plan."
"I was not aware of this pla-"
"I said it's an order!" He raised his voice. She could easily sense the scorn he felt toward whoever he had spoken to, and she doubted it was any different for the other person in Ben's regards.
After a couple of seconds, the shooting stopped.

He let out a shaky breath, let go of the device and put a hand to cover his face. Rey slowly approached him, and stopped a few inches in front of him. She raised her hand to meet his, and slowly took it off his face: his eyes were red, and showed fear—but not only that. He looked at her, stared at her hazel eyes like they were the only thing that kept him from falling to the ground, overwhelmed by everything he had been through.
"Ben." She whispered. Their fingers interlaced as they closed the distance between each other and shared a sweet embrace, her head resting in the crook of his neck.
They remained like that for a moment, then their gazes met once again. She stood on her tip toes and brushed her lips against his. He kissed her back, finally feeling some joy. Her hand left his, just to meet the other behind his neck as he grabbed her waist, bringing her even closer.
Their lips danced, the passion that he was yet to express and that she had had to repress finally being released. Her hands started playing with his hair, and his palm went to cup her cheek. They remained like that till their need of oxygen became too urgent. Their foreheads rested on one another as they caught their breath.
They looked at each other and, much to Rey's surprise, his lips formed a warm smile. She mirrored the smile, pleasantly surprised, and soon felt tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
The two shared one more kiss that only lasted a couple of seconds.
Ben let out a shaky breath.
"I love you." It was barely audible, only loud enough for her to hear.
"I know." They chuckled, and he started caressing her cheek.

"Let's get out of here."

Ok, author here. First off, thank you so much for 100+ views! I hope you're enjoying these stories.
It took me quite a while to finish writing this chapter, I'm glad I managed to finish.
Well then, I'll see you in the next chapter.
Remember: there's no Dark Side nor a Light Side, there is only the Force.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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