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Yerin's POV

"I missed you" she whispered. "I missed you too. You were gone for almost 5 days. Where did you go?" I asked her. "Let's talk inside" she said and held my hand.

"Now explain" I told her seriously. "Woah, why won't you explain first" she told me. Oh right. I forgot. "You saw the articles?" I asked her and she nodded. I couldn't read her expression.

"Look, I didn't even know how that happened since I didn't inform anyone about it. Sinb-yah, you know I only love you right? I'm not asking you to believe in me but that's my explanation" I told her.

She sighed. "I knew it" she said. "What?" I asked in confusion. "You forgot to hide the scars on your neck when you went inside my office" she told me. I gulped.

"Also, your manager also told me about it" she looked at me. "What? How? I'm confused" I exclaimed. "Look, I was the one who put Eunwoo in jail" she explained.

"You went to Japan?" I asked her and she nodded. Then it was silent after. "Do you hate me?" I suddenly asked her. She looked at me. "Why are you silent? I hate it" I exclaimed. "I'm not" she answered.

I suddenly teared up. "Hey, why are you crying?" she asked me worriedly. The cold Sinb turned into a soft one. "I was scared. I was scared that you might leave me" I cried. I was crying on her shoulder.

"I promised you right?" she asked me while caressing my back. "How can I leave the love of my life. If I do that then I won't be able to live" she chuckled.

"Stop crying. Let's go back to sleep. I want some cuddles. I only got an hour of sleep" she told me as she wipes my tears. I only nodded.

"Yerin eonnie?" she called me. I was using her right arm as my pillow. "Yeah Sinb-yah?" I asked her. "I love you" she told me. It's been a while since I last heard it.

"I love you too. Now go and sleep. I know you're tired" I told her. "Don't go anywhere. You should be here beside me when I wake up" she told me. I nodded. "I will" I smiled and kissed her forehead.


Since I already slept a lot, I woke up earlier than Sinb. I looked at her face. She looks calm and peaceful while sleeping.

"Baby" I blushed when she called me that. Wait, is she dreaming? "I'm not dreaming" she told me and opened her eyes. "Did you slept well?" I asked her. She nodded and snuggled closer to me. I could feel her breath on my neck.

"I'll just cook something for us." I told her. I was about to stand up but she held my wrist which made me lie down on the bed again.

"Don't leave" she whined. "But we need food" I told her. "I don't need food. I'm not hungry. Now stay here with me" she pat the space on the bed. I have no choice but to follow her.

"Love" she called me. "Hmm?" I asked her. "I love you. I love you a lot. I love you very much. You know that right? I love you" she said as she shower me with kisses. "Stop it tickles" I chuckled.

I saw her scoff. "You hate my kisses?" she asked me. "No, I don't! It just tickles" I told her. "Hmph" she said and faced the other side.

"What's wrong with you? You're acting a bit weird lately. You're not usually like this" I told her as I back-hug her.

"I just want to show you how much I love you. Is that wrong? Should I not do it?" she pouted. Hearing those words from her makes my heart flutter. She used to be cold and insensitive about those things but she changed.

"I love it. I hope you won't stop doing it" I told her. She then faced me. "Really?" she asked me and I nodded. "I can only do this to you okay? No one else can do this except for me" she said and kissed my forehead.

"You're mine Jung Yerin. You're only mine"

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