Bang the Drum, Ashley

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Zora POV

I knocked on the door of the Banks House. Today was Wednesday Ashley had her violin lessons after school so I had the day off

Geoffrey opened the door as I walked into the living room 

"Good morning" I said

"Good morning" they told me

"Today, sir, I thought we might begin the day with an aspirin preventative medicine being so much the mode." Geoffrey said carrying a tray of aspirin and water

"It's too late, Geoffrey. I already have a headache, just anticipating that infernal hammering at the office." Mr. Banks said

"Honey, I thought the workmen were supposed to be done by yesterday." Mrs. Banks asked

"Shockingly enough, Vivian, they're behind schedule." Mr. Banks told her sarcastically

"Dad, it's so obvious. If all that hammering is bothering you just tell them to quit it." Hilary suggested

"I don't even want to talk about it. These are the only moments of peace
and quiet I'll have all day." He told us as we heard Will singing "I Got The Power"

"Another aspirin, sir? Perhaps a gun." Geoffrey asked

"Vivian, what the devil is he doing up there?" Mr. Banks asked his wife

"I Got The Power" by Snap." She replied

"Snap is a great band. Well, when Crackle and Pop cut a disk then call me." Carlton said as he laughed as Hilary joined in as they bumped hips and did a handshake

Will walked down the stairs and looked at us

"Oh, what's so funny?" Will asked

"Carlton told a joke." I told him

"No, no, no, Zee. Carlton is a joke." Will said

"Mommy, who's gonna take me to my tennis lesson after school today?" Ashley asked

"Are you sure it's tennis today, sweetie?
Maybe you better check your schedule." Mrs. Banks told her

"Schedule?" Will asked

"Yeah. My parents bought me this calendar so I could keep my lessons straight. Didn't you have a schedule
for after school when you were my age?" Ashley asked

"Yeah, the "TV Guide." Will told her as she showed him her schedule

"See, Monday's for ballet Tuesday's riding Wednesday's violin. Oops." She said realizing what she said

"I thought today was violin, sweetie pie." Mrs. Banks told her

I know Ashley doesn't like the violin she told me before but she does it to make her parents happy

"You mean Ashley would have shown
up for her violin lesson in her tennis outfit?" Carlton said laughing

"Oh! I just pictured it." Hilary said laughing as Ashley sat next to me

"Well, I'm two for two. I'm going to quit
while I'm ahead." Carlton said

"Can I suggest retirement? Just.." Will said

"Ouch. Keep 'em coming, Will." Carlton told him

"So are we still on for tonight" Carlton asked me as I nodded

"Yep I have everything all ready" I told him standing up

"Aw you two going on a date" Will asked as we shook our heads

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