Community Action

697 23 19

Zora POV

I walked into the Banks' kitchen so Will, Carlton, and I can get ready to go to school, today I was driving.

"Good morning" I told Will, Geoffrey, and Mrs. Banks

"Morning Zee" Will told me

"Good morning dear" Mrs. Banks saidc

"Good morning Miss Zora" Geoffrey said then sneezed

"Are you feeling alright Geoffrey" I asked rubbing his back

"I'm fine Miss Zora" he told me then sneezed again

"Geoffrey it sounds like you're getting a cold" Mrs. Banks told him

"Not at all madam it was barley a sniffle" he said as he gave Will and I our breakfast

"Here you go Master William, Miss Zora" Geoffrey told us giving us the bowels

"Thanks G, It looks great" Will said

"Thank you Geoffrey" I told him as I saw he was about to sneeze so I moved my bowel but Will wasn't so lucky

"Yo, Carlton! Breakfast!" Will yelled pushing his bowel away in disgust

I began eating as Will dug his spoon into my food as I shielded my food away

"No get your own food" I told him

"But I'm hungry" Will pouted

"Only because I love you" I told him as we began sharing my breakfast

"That's it. You are officially off duty. Now I want you to go to your room and don't breathe until you get there" Mrs. Banks told him

"As you wish madam" he told her leaving when Hilary walked into the kitchen

"Hey Hil, how was traffic court" I asked

"There is no justice. Just because I had three moving violations and 48 parking tickets the judge suspended my drivers license. Isn't free parking guaranteed by the constitution?" Hilary complained

"Yeah that was what Desert Storm was all about" Will said sarcastically

"And starting tomorrow I have to do community service at The Southside Clinic. I don't even know where that is" Hilary told us

"You poor little rich girl" I said shaking my head sarcastically

"It's on the corner of Plymouth and 3rd right by the nail shop" Will said as we gave him a look of confusion

"Can't a brother get a pedicure?" Will asked when Mr. Banks walked in

"Has anyone seen my bathrobe? Will?" Mr. Banks asked

"Oh not me Uncle Phil after last time I just bought a car cover" Will told him

"Mom I can't find my cassette player. Does anyone know what happened to it" Ashley asked storming into the kitchen and walking straight to Will

"Oh sure blame the black guy" Will told her when Carlton walked in

"Someone took my address book. I would hate to see what would happen if it fell into the wrong hands" Carlton said glaring at Will

"Hola, Amigos" Jazz said walking in with Mr. Banks robe on, listening to Ashley's cassette player, and had his arm around Carlton's current girlfriend

"That's my cassette player" Ashley said

"That's my bathrobe" Mr. Banks continued

"That's my girlfriend" Carlton said as she looked surprised then ran away

Zora Allen (Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air)Where stories live. Discover now