Just Infatuation

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Zora POV

Hilary, Ashley, amd I walked into the kitchen through the back door

"Hi, everybody." Ashley said as everyone greeted us

"Oh, hi, almost-birthday girl." Will said

"Well, sweetie, how does it feel to be almost 12?" Mr. Banks asked her

"Dad, as you get older, birthdays have less and less significance. You know, I really
stopped counting at ten." Ashley said

"Oh, come on, Ashley, aren't you just a little bit excited about your birthday party?" Hilary asked

"Well, I know it's a little immature but, yes, yes, I can't wait!" Ashley said as we laughed at her excitement

"So what are you gonna wish for when you blow your candles out?" I asked her

"Well, there is one thing I've been wishing for." I asked her sitting down on a stool

"A doll?" Mr. Banks asked

"A dress?" Mrs. Banks guessed

"A game?" Will asked

"No." She told us as she held up a magazine cover of Little T he was this kid singer that preteens everywhere were in love with

"A boy!" Hilary said as me, her, and Ashley giggled

"Look. Now, this is a really good picture of him." Ashley said holding up a picture when Carlton walked in

"Who's he?" Carlton asked wrapping his arms around my shoulders

"His name is Little T." Ashley told him

"Uh, you know, that kid singer." Will told him

"He's not just a kid singer. He's the coolest, cutest guy in the universe." Ashley said as Carlton scoffed

"Some would beg to differ." He said

'I've been reading all about him. Listen to this. "He loves video games, cheeseburgers and basketball. He hates rainy days, anchovies and phony people." He is so deep." Ashley said as Will took the magazine

"You're tellin' me. He like all the same stuff I like." Will said

"God, I'd love to meet him someday. I wonder what I'd say." Ashley said

"How about, "Hold the anchovies?" Carlton said as he laughed

"Very funny, Carlton. You know, it's just because you have never really been in love." Ashley said as she walked out the kitchen

"I don't like the ugly turn this is taking." Carlton said

"Carlton, what are you talking about?" Mrs. Banks asked

"I just don't think it's healthy that Ashley's so boy-crazy. I mean, shouldn't she be playing
with those toy ponies with the pink hair?" He asked

"Carlton, it's just puppy love. Don't you remember your first crush? I remember my first celebrity crush it was River Phoenix and then there was this boy whole lived across the street" I told them

"Yeah. Mine It was Tootie in "The Facts Of Life, but then I remembered there was a girl who moved across the street from us" He told us as everyone gave Carlton amd I looks

"What" we asked as they just shook thier heads

"Wait. You-you had a love thing for Tootie? When did you get over it?" Will asked

"What do you mean, "Get over it?" I'd still love to meet her someday. I wonder what I'd say." Carlton said

How about, "Hello, Tootie. I'm Fruity?" Will told him

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